Adrenals, sleeping pills and computer use and sleep problems addressed.So you’ve probably heard the old adage, ‘early to bed, early to rise, makes a woman, or man, healthy, wealthy and wise’. And that is so true. And, so I’d like to recommend to you that in activating that 100% healthy divine human blueprint, that you really make an effort to get yourself, choose to go to bed at 10 o’clock at night and choose to sleep at least 8 hours and gain really the optimal rest. And i know some of you might be wondering how in the world can I do that? I’m working on the computer late at night. I’ve been using sleeping pills for a long time. That’s just not gonna happen, I have too much to do. And what I wanna encourage you to know is that you have choices. So if your issue is being on the computer, you’ve got to turn the computer off at 7 o’clock at night and really experiencing the sun going down. Your body responds to the cycle of time to rest in nature. So, if you’re not, if you’re looking at this bright screen, the screen actually overrides the process of sleeping so if you don’t get that trigger at the right time, you’re not gonna fall asleep. You’re gonna stay up all night, cause you’ve had that bright light shining in your face while the sun is going down. You’ve missed that cycle. And that is part of what’s built into the human blueprint. Another thing is if you’ve been using sleeping pills for a long time, you’re gonna need to do at least one one-day, if not two. And the reason for that is that your brain is now in different patterns. Your pie-nil gland, which is the sleep gland, it’s the gland that releases melatonin, no longer works on its own. So that would need to be regenerated as well as the brain. We need to have the brain working right and the pie-nil gland. And then finally, in that one day, we’ll need to address your adrenals. Because your adrenals can potentially keep you up or wake you up often during the night. And so we need to get you into the para sympathetic system to actually fall asleep. So for those of you who just go to bed at midnight, and not 10 o’clock, that you’re maybe having poor sleep habits, what I’d like you to do now is powerfully choose to activate your divine human blueprint and get enough rest. And the results of that will be more focused, clarity and dynamic energy every day of your life.

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