Beloved, let us love one another

For love is of God and Everyone who loves 

is born of God and knoweth God

He who loves not, knows not God

For God is LOVE

Beloved, Let us love one another 1 John 4:7-8



I am writing this on good friday, and have just participated in an online service with communue. The blessing of Easter is the concept of forgiveness and freedom to live loved.

From the ancient mystery schools a concept of body and blood was known to hold a great power. Communion a symbolic gesture of taking in the body of Christ and the blood of Christ, into our very being. As the supplicant takes the body he imagines being one with Jesus Christ Son of God, the light of cell is highly energized with this imagining. Not like you are eating God…not at all, it is like what we do with Cellular neo genesis, putting onto low function, the 100% highest pure function onto us. The same with the blood of Christ, and communion wine, not like vampires but lifting our blood and bloodline from it’s poor reduced state to a state of purity and strength.

Many highlights of the Christian tradition are experienced in a short few weeks, and much is called into remembrance. The last supper where both the male and female disciples took their place at the dinner table with Jesus for final instruction and companionship. I had the privilege of holding the cup used to hold the wine, the cup Jesus had held 2000 years ago about 10 years back, when visiting glastonbury England and the chalice well gardens. The keepers of the grail had not let it out of its protective hidden place. When I asked permission to hold the bowl a few moments later a woman emerged surprised saying, I don’t know who you are but yes you are able to have this privilege. It was not kept there so I returned later to the place where they had created a beautiful room much like the da vinci painting showing the last supper. I had to feel it was because I had in my life with christ held the bowl then too. It was carbon dated at 3400 years old blue glass with maltise cross in the design. The image of a chalice was likely developed as the church developed their rituals. This was an ancient very energized blue glass bowl used for sacred initiation and ceremony.

As we deeply connect with the supreme being, Father Mother God these days of introspection and transformation, we know that in all times there have been wrought with great challenges. This seems like such an unusual Easter, no pretty dresses and church services no big family gatherings and fancy restaurant meals. What can we take from this shift in priorities?

I feel so much this is a time of introspection and looking inward. Connecting more deeply with the God of creation and living a life filled with love, good health and freedom.

May this day be one of richness, love and grace, in whatever tradition you follow may you feel the love of God for you surrounding you and all around you!