Today is the Christian calendar is a day marked for celebration and glory. Christ has risen. He has risen indeed the angels proclaim to Mary Magdalene, who is at first confused and then becomes the bearer of this news to all humankind. 

I know we think of the suffering of Jesus around the week of Easter and all that he gave up for this path laid out for him to help humankind. But even before I address the Easter story whose central figure is Christ, let me turn to the women and men who loved and followed the master. Imagine the heartbreak of losing your beloved teacher and friend, wrongfully accused and dying a brutal, humiliating death. I can imagine the grief of never sharing a laugh or seeing his smiling face. Missing the precious evening meals, walking and chatting on the path together, making plans and living into the mission and adventure that they’d grown so accustomed to.

The image of the 3 Marys — Mother, companion and Mary Cleophas dear friend, weeping at the foot of the cross. Losing the most dear, the most precious being they’d come to know as a part of themself and who they defined themself as in the world. I wonder how each dealt with the loss of the one they knew as Christ after the crucifixion. How they went on to live, share the message of love in their own unique ways. It must have felt confusing to have him rise from the dead, yet no longer look like himself, and to not be able to touch him. I think about the immense love these women held for him, and on one day they needed to turn that love into something entirely new and unknown to them. 

I also think about these 3 courageous women, and the shock and pain of watching as there dearest was tortured and killed. 

As I understand history and legend, each of these women, went on to shepherd a flock of their own, to guide and mentor those in the love principals they had learned at the feet and in the heart of the master. 

I think they too had to die to the lessor to become one with the higher. 

Here is an excerpt from our Illumination Rosary: 

Our Christian tradition teaches we must die to the lesser to be one with the higher. In this ‘death’ we make our passage by releasing the ego, opening up to the state of unconditional love and oneness with everything and everyone. The movement can be difficult, the results profound. We attain Spiritual freedom. As our lower nature dies off we are welcomed into the company of the mystics and holy ones of all traditions.

We reflect on the difficulties that ‘appear’ to slow us down on our eternal quest. In these moments of difficulty our resilience and capabilities surface. Fortified with dedication and devotion  we meet our challenges with strength inspired and encouraged by the Holy Ones who have travelled the path before us to light our way.

This ends the challenging mysteries, all 5 associated with earthy suffering. Next we see in the first glorious mystery the resurrection.

In the story of the resurrection Jesus vanishes from the tomb. Death of the body does not mean death of the spirit. The Angel speaks to Mary of Magdala and later to the Disciples, “He is not here, he has been raised up”. In glorious celebration we know and affirm life beyond the physical body. Our spirit lives on!

As we absorbed the knowledge our immortality! Our life continues to evolve as we move between the physical and astral plans. We practice through meditation and sleep to navigate the astral realms. As we shed these mortal bodies for the last time returning to our astral home and life continues. I am more than what is seen in this physical body.

Whether today is a moment of glory or challenge for you, I want you to know that all things are working for good. You are divinely guided cherished and blessed.

May this Easter day be a great blessing for you and may you feel constantly the love of God.