Establishing a Strong Effective Clearing Statement 

Ability, Authority, Excellent, Ownership, Directive, Right, Sovereign:

Experience a complete Quantum Transformation,

in all aspects of my God Experience of Divine Individuation,

Entirely reintegrate to God Source Creation Experience, 

a permanent shift to the most positive way said in the least amount of words our intended result

Clear: clear something without claiming any ownership of the problem but acknowledging a temporary experience of it 

Incinerate: the nature of the problem as it is when it is uncleared 

Definition for the clearing statement

What it means for us:

  • Ability = My personal God-established gifts
  • Authority = Authorship of my life, of the flow and movement around me and affecting my results
  • Excellent = perfect, pure, and true
  • Ownership = Complete occupation rule and tenure
  • Directive = being the director of my entire life and able to fulfill my mission
  • Right = Pre Origin Established Gods Just realm for His child and chosen
  • Sovereign = being able to stand on my own principles over and above family church and state


  • Incinerate includes: Eradicate Disappear Neutralize Remove Nullify  Dissolve Defuse


About the Tesla Med Beds: 

  • Are Med Beds Good? 40%
  • Are they God-aligned? 0 no
  • Are the Med Beds alien technology? Yes from Kurs