What does faith mean to you? Is it a term you use in relation to your spiritual belief? Is it a notion you have about believing in something, having faith something will work out even though the odds may not seem to indicate it will?
We were talking about this in my women’s group this week and speaking of ‘the faithful’. We had a chance to expand our notion of the ‘faithful’ as not only the believers of Christ, but to remember the faithful of the Jewish and Islamic traditions, and all traditions who are drawn to Creator God with a practice of prayer meditation and good works.
Faithful is a word that naturally comes out of aligning with the idea that all things work for good for those who reserve, honor love God. It is not a weak position of waiting, wondering, hoping.. it is truly a position of strength.
I don’t think many in our community are in fear of the ending of the world or world war 3 starting, or the takeover of darkness in the immediate future, but if you are one who might struggle with that challenge or know of someone who is stuck in that fear picture, it is helpful to be faithful.
In response to a very Catholic friend, who is sure it is the end of times, it is important to listen to them, love them where they are, and let them see your faith. I said to my friend after some dire info she shared with me, God has reassured me I will be safe where ever I am.
We must live life fully every day. Look to every day as an opportunity to learn, grow and be more than what our potential was originally set for. If you had faith all things were moving and working for good, you would not live in fear. You would respond to difficult Information by wondering is this something I can respond to? Is there something I can do to help improve this issue? Faith is hopeful and true. Faith does not mean we know what the future holds, we know it is good. we don’t know how quickly issues will resolve, we know they will in God’s timing and our willingness not to remain stuck. Faith is really the opposite of fear. Faith is open, flowing, and free.
To ‘Have Faith’, I believe you must know God personally. You must have daily dialogue in prayer meditation and contemplation. As well, you need the discipline to stop runaway worry anticipating bad outcomes, or playing out all the negative outcomes that could happen if this or that went wrong. Unwavering faith…Knowing now and forevermore what is in your life is working out.
Faith is activated in the intention field, it springs to life in the field of amplification and when fully embodied have you live in the Joy field!