Another wonderful Father’s Day is here and it’s time for us to honor our beloved men. Our community is blessed to have many fathers, heroes, providers and protectors among us! Thank you fathers and thank you too our fathers who have provided such wonderful genetic material because we are one awesome group!

Not to usurp the limelight from our incredible men, but I would also like to wish a very happy Fathers Day to our single mom’s who play both role of mother and father. Ladies, you’re amazing and I hope you’ll find time to gift yourself a lovely relaxing few moments, perhaps a massage, a luscious foaming bath with candles and soft music (maybe a long playing mantra) and some time to just be a woman.

The amazing thing with humans, is that although we’re wired to play a role, for example women are nurturers and supporters, while men are naturally protectors and providers, we’re equipped to play either or both roles by using different parts of our brain to support those assigned or chosen roles.

As I watch little Adelia formulating her roles, and knowing her brain is being marinated in estrogen just now in a big way, I see her wanting to hug especially the little boys, to care for her two baby dolls and to create social connection. This is her emotional brain developing and learning about her role as a female.

Little boys may be off fighting battles, vrooming their fire trucks, Adelia, copying mommy has her own little love bug she drives around mimicking the many car rides we take to get to town and back.

And I also want to acknowledge Father God, who we’re beginning to understand through our mapping in entirely new and truly wonderful ways. Formed from the same origins as the human race, from the same cloud of intelligence, yet far beyond our comprehension in love, ability, gifts and presence. I wish to acknowledge the Great and very good Father. Who loves us beyond our comprehension. Wants the very very best for us. Answers our prayers. Brings us goodness, answers and fresh beginnings in the experience of our always exercising free will.

We are very blessed indeed this Father’s Day!.