People who exercise just five minutes a day outdoors
improve their mood and reduce the negative impacts of stress
(especially when the outdoor activity is close to a natural water source).From a University of Essex Study

For a Great Mood Get Outdoors

For years I have been singing to the tune of outdoor meditation, reflection and exercise as the healing balm for just about all that ails the human being. With a rich hike in the mountains you can literally reboot your brain, and rebalance your negative and positive ions. The natural world is a place to return to your authentic self and re emerge from a difficult passage.

Three tips for reaping the highest benefits from nature

1. Schedule time to enjoy the out of doors. Camping, hiking, jogging, swimming even canoeing or kayaking doesn’t just happen in an active schedule. Make it a priority, and prepare with great hiking shoes, water to hydrate and a great attitude.


2. Go into nature with gratitude and celebration in your heart and mind. Noticing all the glories of nature and praising source every moment for the great goodness you have received in this amazing planet is the trick to a magnetic personality.

3. Breathe deeply. When you are out in nature, practice the art of breathing. It matters not if you are an expert at pranic breathe, or use some techniques to get you through the early stages of labor, altering breath patterns can restore the brain, improve circulation and muscle health.



Summer is soon approaching and your health and vitality can naturally move to the top of the list. Life in balance includes recreation, a great meal plan, vacations and an exercise plan. I invite you to join the 100% healthy movement and get your awesome on!

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