God of creation, God of purity and truth, God of life and light. We call upon your holy name. We ask for your presence in this call, ILO in Trinity, mother, father Jesus Christ, holy Spirit, come. We are seeking to unite with you and with our original blueprint, body endorsement realm today, we are asking for the deepest level of forgiveness possible for ourselves, for generations previous, and any actions that we might have been responsible for, which took away this right to live a very long, beautiful, extended life. God, we are heartily, sorry. We are sincerely, completely sorry for anything we did or anything that our ancestors did, anything we did in a past life that looks like debauchery and satanic and evil and hedonism. We ask that you look at our hearts and that you see that we are seeking for purity and truth, and that in this activation of this healing that we’re going through, we need your forgiveness.

We need your love. We need your mercy. We ask and, and pray for your mercy. We ask that you remove any ill effect from those behaviors as well. Right now. God, we’ve been talking about hydrogel and insects and smart dust. We ask that you disappear in an instant. Remove from us if it be your will. Any ill effect and the hydrogel, any ill effect from bugs, insects, graphite, graphine, spike protein just paray us, cleanse us, light your God, fire in us that would keep our strength and our purity. True. and perhaps this is how body endorsement realm can be used as a fire to burn off the contaminants of the world, be in the world, but not of the world. We ask that you help us be in this world and be not of it, not attacked, not experiencing all these nefarious, evil things coming towards us, Annas, and into our bodies. Just remove it, remove it, disappear it, clear it. Remove it from clan agreement. Re remove it from group mind agreement. Remove it from governmental entitlements and how that affects our field in our body and outside our field.

God, we, we see there’s a lot of craziness in the news and podcasters, and everyone’s looking at the shiny ball and the squirrel running around, and they’re showing us, look at this and look atthat and look at this and look at that. And we know that that’s potentially taking us off of what we need to focus on, which is expanding purity and truth, love and light. God, we, we seek you. We, we seek your vision. We seek your truth.Keepus purely and holy on track. Allow us and let us know, and lead us in knowing that you are merciful and loving God, that you are ours, that we are yours, that we belong to you, that weare your children and your chosen. Letusnotsuffer.Let us instantly in a moment be healed. We pray for our loved ones, our family members who have become seriously ill from taking the jab, getting repeat cancers and heart issues and these horrible globs of I don’t know whether, the name escapes me.

You, you can see it. God, you can see what I’m saying. Just we just pray for them. We pray one, that they understand that their illnesses came from doing something that was satanic taking a vaccination, not believing that you could help overcome whatever the issue is and that the jab was pre-prepared with Luci face and all kinds of evil in it, and from aborted fetal cells. And we ask that they be completely forgiven of the mistake that they made, completely forgiven of the group consciousness that they tapped into to be part of that. And then that they might wake up, they might wake up from this and realize what they’ve done and ask for forgiveness and ask for a healing. God, we, we know that you are merciful and that you hear the prayers of all who cry out to you and ask for your forgiveness and your mercy. We ask on their behalf. But we know that in this, in this case, we know that as they are still embody, that they nearly need to also ask for forgiveness and help. We welcome in the golden lesion, goddesses of light, beings from other realms and dimensions helping us. We welcome in and consciousness the beings from the earth, the light brigade and leadership, Jesus Christ in his following Mother, Mary and her following guardians of the blueprint.

We thank you all for gathering with us that in any way that this body endorsement realm might help any of the, those that are here energetic being or consciousness, that if it helps in some way that they, that you also participate in this activation.

God, very, very specifically, we are asking for forgiveness for whatever we might have had, whatever role we might have had or whatever our ancestor’s role had in the decision you had to make to take the long life away from us. The where you said 120 years, that’s it. No more we’re asking for forgiveness.

Please forgive us. Please show us how to be responsible to, to care and be so loving with our bodies and, and also so loving with humanity, with all of life and so completely loving and honoring of you. Thank you God for hearing our prayer.


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