I’ve had some amazing insight this morning about the notorious serpent from the ancient biblical story of the role of the serpent and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden.

This notion came up in the wee hours of the morn prior to the suns awakening, a time I’ve used for meditation, scripture reading and reflection. The thing is we have a serpent on our spiritual interference chart right?! And it turns out this same bugger is the one who screwed up the blissful inhabitation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Joy. 

We talked about this at length in our Activate class. The serpent is the impetus of living a life driven by hedonism, excesses and self pleasure. As contrasted by a living life of deep awareness service and love for others and purity of divine connection. It’s funny its the thing that drives most advertising, and once you see it you can stop buying stuff you don’t want, the “you deserve this”. It becomes the all about you obsessive drive to get all the pleasure you can regardless of whether you are engaged in your mission and purpose here, which of course is also filled with joy, and delight but not selfish lust. 

We’ve identified these Aliens as Serpents:

E3 Serpent Burrower

D4 Serpent

D9 Serpent CD 3rd Martian

B11 Serpent CD WI Zeta

N28 Serpent CD 3rd WI domination Zeta

E31 Serpent CD 7th

And on our list here are a few of the negative effects these creature have on us:

interfere with and cause rapid aging, exert pain, parasitical,stimulate compulsion, steal life force, intertwined, draw out, swelling, poor chemistry

They have been around since the beginning of mankind as reference in Genesis and in Revelations as well. They can be heard, I believe this is radar clairvoyance, but they also make their effect known by stimulating unnatural or unreasonable desire. It is my belief 98% of sexual assault is driven by Serpent.  

I also think this is so deeply embedded in our culture with all the advertisements appealing to greed and selfishness… So what if you and I and all our academy participants took on busting the serpent game? What if we cleared them, and their influence in not only our blueprint, but how they ride in and influence our choices every day?

Best way to join in this intention is jump into one of the Quantum Mastery programs where we are clearing, as well as gaining life insights on how to put an end to this insidious domination.

Much love, 

Julie Renee

Your Spiritual Mentor and Quantum Activations Guide