As the work in our academy began many years ago, I noticed few individuals had a God connection. This is not to say they lacked faith or believed in God but rather the original connection to God in the human, angel, elf experience had been somehow severed.

I have identified 9 pages of world leaders/influencers and the first thing to notice is so many of them are not human spirits. They are:

  • Reptilian 20% of all world leaders/influencers
  • Reptoid 20% of all world leaders/influencers
  • Serpent
  • Arachnoid
  • Demon
  • Phantom
  • Humanoid
  • Ghost
  • Hybrid

None of these ever had a God connection. And even if they say they have faith or go on occasion to church this is for the impression it makes, not for faith in God.

But what about those who are human and may test with some level of belief in God or faith, why is the connection largely missing? This circumstance leads me to ask more questions: How does God’s connection get severed? Is it gradual or all that once? Can we reverse it and reestablish our God connection?

It appears for most the circumstance of disconnection is a slow gradual process. Most of our human in body participants came into being at 80,000 and 60,000 years ago. The severing began 20,000 years ago.

An evil element was introduced to human, angel, and elf 40,000 years ago. This test is the reptilian alien along with the serpent alien. God’s connection dropped a bit here. maybe just one or two percent, but it began the erosion that has in the current day left so many with no God connection.

If you have been reading my blogs for a while you will know that the deep state came into being 50,000 years ago. There was an intense effort first to wipe out entirely those with a God connection. This resulted in the many angel human elf we have seen in the reconstruction rescue I’ve been doing for almost 2 years. These spirits were ripped apart into sometimes 100 pieces. I have done a kind of spiritual reconstruction for these angel human elf and restored them. As well, a few beings that we know of, likely many we are not aware of, were incinerated. This malefic process left no remnant of the being. And that era also began the satanic sacrifice of innocents who at the time went right to hell. It’s interesting purgatory came into being only more recently about 10,000 years ago. We are just completing the last 2 million or more than 30 million innocents who were trapped there.

It was first a full-on attack, but as time wore on there was a new idea, rather than wipe out this group, the intent changed to enslave them. Soul stealing, stealing parts of blueprint, harvesting out body energies all became part of the agenda.

Okay so we have looked at the tearing away of the pure innocent part of our nature, now let’s look at how we experience God connection.

God connection is experienced through our Spirit. Our Spirit which is part of God connects with the Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of truth. We saw early on and do regular activations on this that many people had parts of their spirit ripped off. They were 60%-90% intact as a spirit. We didn’t know why this had happened, usually, 6-9 pieces needed to be recovered and restored to our community members. This is 99% responsible for the God disconnection that so many have suffered from. Once the parts of the spirit are restored you’ll need to make an earnest effort to seek God connection. So many in this era reject the God of creation. So just being reconnected with missing parts does not mean your God connection is restored, there is a final step, that of asking for God to help re-establish the connection between you and God.

This restoration of spirit is especially addressed regularly in the Mastery programs: Activate and Ignite.