If you were in our community 3 years back you will remember this was a year dedicated to bringing in the light. The following year was aligned with purity and truth and this year, built on previous years, we dedicate the 2022 year to life out of purity and truth. It was 3 years ago we more formally in prayer began to ask those who supported our efforts and who were not in body into our community to help during activations. 

I became more aware of a group calling themselves the goddesses of light at that time, however, they had been with our community already. This group joined in to assist us in our quest in 2016. 

I thought it was so interesting that they joined our live retreat in a more personal way showing us who they were and what they are holding for us. 

On day 2 of the retreat, the goddesses of light came to me while I was teaching, I felt a whirl of energy, telling students to hold questions as I could feel an energetic shift, quite profound taking place. The room fell quiet and the goddesses of light surrounded me, engulfing me in their lovely energy.  They showed me that they are energetic beings, beautiful, loving, and of pure light. I observed this with my inner vision. The light seemed white. 

They spoke of their love for the work I and we are doing and that they hold vigil for us, and for humanity. As they showed me this I could see, that as we hold vigil with a candle and prayer, so too do these energetic high vibration spirits hold a flame of light. I could make out vaguely faces and it seems hands and arms holding something similar to a candle, no wick or wax of course but the flame and prayerfulness were very clear. 

They spoke for just a few moments to me. When they spoke it was loving and they were excited to be part of something extraordinary. They declared their love for me, for this work that no one wants to do, but we are doing because it must be done. They shared their commitment to stay with us and hold vigil for our work, and for the transformation of the human angel realm. 

I can say, we have never spoken to them prior to this, and like so many who come when called, they serve tirelessly and willingly asking for nothing in return. A few weeks ago they said to me they need me to speak their name in the calling forth our support after praying to Creator God. I wondered about this, always wanting to get through the prayer to work. It became clear they need the calling of their name as they travel through dimensions when called to join in. I know my voice has the ability to reach through dimensions so this made perfect sense to me. 

One last thing I wanted to mention, the energy of the goddesses of light is quite strong, as they just came fully into my presence I felt I might lose my balance sitting down, my equilibrium was almost knocked out and I steadied myself (physical body) to speak to them. They are obviously very powerful light beings. I feel grateful to God for all the loving beings who support and love us and the work we do.