A plan. There is a plan. I do not know the plan. In general, we do not know the higher plan. I was struck 2 weeks ago by the first book of the new testament. At the time God’s people were waiting for a Messiah, a new King to lead them out of the darkness. At the time there were the Elites and the commoners. Slavery was rampant. Things had to be done in secret. 

Harrods astrologers had foreseen this new king soon to be born and having this foreknowledge Harrod had a plan to kill all the baby boys, which he did. But God’s team was at work in secret, and when it was necessary to share a small part of the plan with the embodied folks who were trusted to fulfill the plan on earth they were alerted. 

The angel Gabriel speaks to Mary about the child she’ll bear. She sees him with her eyes, she is surprised and reassured.

Gabriel again appears shortly after in a dream to Joseph, reassuring him that this is his sacred duty and the role God and chosen him for. He is also reassured and moves into action to protect and provide for Mary.

Sheppard’s witness with their eyes a flood of Angels in the night’s sky announcing a heavenly child is born. The Shepherd’s raced to lay witness to this miracle.

Wiseman, also called magi, say the signs of this new king, traveling weeks to bring the gifts needed to welcome this magnificent child to the earthly realm. Harrod stopped them and instructed him to return to him once they had located the child.

The Wiseman gifted Jesus Gold Frankincense and Myrrh all the sacred elements needed to confirm his Divine and ordained birth. As they leave town, they are divinely warned in a dream not to return by way of City or Harrod but to leave secretly by another way.

Just after the Wiseman left again Joseph was visited in a dream and warned to take the baby and mother immediately to Egypt. That the child’s life was in grave danger.

Once Harrod was dead, the Angel of the lord spoke again to Joseph in a dream and told him to return to Israel. And the son of Harrod, also a danger to the toddler, Joseph once more warned in a dream by an angel of the lord to go to Galilee where they would be safe.

Another voice, the voice of God coming from heaven announcing this is my son of whom I am well pleased at the time of John the Baptists and Jesus baptism by water and the holy spirit. 

As you can see by this journey of just the divine interventions the peoples of God did not know what was happening much of the time, but trusted in the overall plan. And when needed received exactly the information they needed to be successful. 

God has a plan. We are part of it. We are blessed with the Elohim, Angels and Creator God to be with us as we work to bring truth and purity to the earth. 

Rest assured things are moving in the inner realms and we are a key part of the shift! 

God, thank you! I thank you!