There are some very sweet words in our English language describing states of appreciation and love: fondness, affection, cherishing, tenderness and enchanted. At first glance these delicious words could be part of our conversations with children friends and sweethearts, but are largely left out of conversations. I was testing these words just the other night, while thinking about my darling little one who’d just had a mischievous day and she was popped into her bed 15 minutes early, so mommy could catch her breath.

I love her so much, with every part of me and yet some of these sweet words did not test as true for us, and I began to be quite curious as to why? Love and affection were hands down yes 100%, so why not fondness? Ahh, than it came to me, I did not have the right or permission, to make matters worse, neither did she for this level of sweetness. So I did have the ability for it, and I think it is from the many hours of clearing I have done to be a great mom for her, but she didn’t even have ability.

What I’m going to take a deeper look at in the coming weeks is where right, permission and ability get set. At first glance it’s from DNA, Soul and Parents, but I would really love to get to the bottom of this, and get our community in the juicy fond, cherishing relatedness and experiencing a softer sweeter side of love. Adelia at the moment can because I have cleared her to experience cherishing and enchanted love. While we are on vacation this coming week, I’ll be clearing her for all the yummy, juicy love, and actually doing us both!