When I was interviewing the leader of the Guardian Angels Special Forces this week, an interesting fact came to light. The leader was an Archangel. Turns out the Guardian angel group and the Archangel group are two races of basically the same type of angel.  They do have the same wing structure and are about the same size. 

This realization got me thinking about the archangels from another reality that had been brought through a wormhole. They had been observing our reality and got trapped. The Arch angels immediately recognized them as other archangels, but none from our reality knew them. I helped open the portal for those who were trapped here to return to their place of color and joy. A few, 9 stayed behind to learn with us and be part of our community. A distinguishing difference was how extremely colorful they were. Where our angels were very toned down and serious, these angels seemed to live in a kind of joy and celebration unknown to this realm. 

There is so much for us to learn about angels, and as we work to restore their numbers and help them find their way back to their sacred path with God, we will step up in our relationships with them, not as our saviors and teachers, but as our collaborators. Somehow we got the notion that angels

 were created greater, wiser, or better than humans, this is not true, God created us all with unique gifts to share with each other.