I was sadly awakened to the harm done this season with the ‘holiday’ called Halloween. Let’s take it apart a bit and see what is happening under charm to cause us to say this is a fun activity and it can’t hurt anything, just a bit of fun. 

  1. Halloween weekend is known for the biggest sacrifice of children on weekends of the year. Yes, that is 100% true.  The activities of the underworld and satanic directed humans, pedafores, and human traffickers kick into high gear. We must be thinking of the safety of the children; we must protect them from harm.
  2.  Costuming, making the self-something it is not, especially the focus on the evil ghoul’s ghosts ax murders, and demons, putting on the costumes of evil for fun. Who said evil was fun? Charm and deception. I am reminded of Jesus’s teaching of hell by the way he spoke way more about hell than heaven in his lifetime to warn away from evil. There is an idea that to be bad, do evil in body, having a great party of debauchery and lasciviousness is what happens as well in hell. But hell is not a party,  it is described as a place of endless suffering, gnashing of teeth, and crying out in pain.
  3.  Jack o Lanterns, think of this too; they are carved with scary faces and put outside the door to mark the home for demonic entrance. Anything created to scare is a marking of evil. Do not welcome evil into your home this way.
  4.  Candy as a reward for not playing a trick on a home. A bribe to ward off evil.   Yet candy, with harmful amounts of sugar, both destroy the teeth and body. Sadly many known candy manufacturers are using a flavor enhancer made from aborted fetal cells making the ingesting of candy a satanic ritual. Actually, causing children to believe eating cells from an aborted fetus is a good thing. (charm)
  5.  October 31 is the Satanic Christmas. There is nothing good about this holiday. It is not all saints day which is the next day, dedicated to praying for the dead who may be stuck in purgatory or hell. Something we could be doing actively helping souls to transition up and out of these dark places.
  6.  Generational curse. It is true if you celebrate this satanic Christmas, your children will endure a family curse, and they as well will celebrate it and pass it down to their children. The trick is to get you to think it’s all in good fun and for you to poo-poo the actual meaning of these satanic activities.

Thank God we have discernment and can begin to open to the truth of the matter.


We will meet in our pure potentials program this Monday and work towards lifting the veil of delusion so more and more might awaken to the evil intent behind this malefic holiday.


I do realize this email content is pretty dreary and shocking for some. I get it; we have been deceived. But let us awaken to the power of life and truth and see an end to this celebration.