This past week, we knocked out 3 vitally important clearings toward the progression of God’s alignment for the Earth and all of God’s creation.  

We started with our Quantum Mastery clearing on Tuesday with an intense focus on the CDC. 

Here is the clearing statement we worked off of:

Sovereign Excellent, Ownership Directive Right, Authority, Ability Experience a complete Quantum Transformation, in all aspects of my God Experience of Divine Individuation, Entirely reintegrate to God Source Creation Experience, a permanent shift to a positive influence on my vibrancy and brilliance and a natural shield of prevention for those malefic intents on my health

Clear Immobilizers and incapacitators stop gaps Fail safes Deep state thrones CDC Center for disease control to entirely disintegrate incinerate the horrific agenda to harm children infants and adults with a massive control on drugs and vaccine lock downs masks and all other anti-human activities Incinerate apathetic compulsive controlling death delusion disgust evil illusional observing satanic toxic unrelenting 

Our Quantum Mastery Program is the most advanced of the programs we offer. During this session, we identified from the original God’s creation that we are now fully operating against God and His creation: Principalities, Thrones, Powers, and Dominions. CDC was supported and directed by Powers. All of these can, in time, be incinerated. They have been thrown out of heaven are deep state and will not win back the Grace of God. 

Our next clearing was for the Earth with our Earth 8 doubleheader. This is open to the entire community and we had a wonderful attendance in this program benefiting the earth and the people living in targeted weather weaponry areas. This was supported by the powers group. 

This is the clearing statement for the Earth 8 two-hour clearing session.

Directive Excellent Ownership Sovereign Right Ability, Authority: Experience a complete Quantum Transformation, in all aspects of my God Experience of Divine Individuation, Entirely reintegrate to God Source Creation Experience, a permanent shift to Heaven on earth now Clear Immobilizers and incapacitators stop gaps Fail safes destroy collapse reptilian tunnels all malefic  tunnels rescue of all innocents in tunnels incinerate earth weaponry causing earthquakes and flooding Incinerate cruel decay demonic dominating evil harm illusional observing satanic toxic 

In this session, we discovered who made all the massive tunnels throughout the earth who made the tunnels:  Reptilian Egyptians, Greys, hybrids, and  humans (only 3% for humans)  

And who is responsible for the Weather weaponry: Arcturian, Orion, Pleiadean. Our Arcturian friends have once again offered there service to destroying what their race had formed against us.  Interestingly the (nefarious) Orions and Pleiadeans showed up at the start of class, the Golden legion escorted them out rapidly as clearly they were trying to thwart our efforts. BINGO! They wouldn’t show up if we weren’t exactly where we needed to be to destroy these nefarious issues! 

And in our Why Wait? Incinerate program, also very well attended we did another installment of the WHO down. Working on dismantling the World Health Organization. We learned dominions support the WHO and that there are only 73 of the Dominions. 

Excellent Ownership Right Directive Sovereign Authority Ability Experience a complete Quantum Transformation, in all aspects of my God Experience of Divine Individuation, Entirely reintegrate to God Source Creation Experience, a permanent shift to the end of the malefic intent of the world health organization  Clear Immobilizers and in capacitators stop gaps Fail safes taking down all the evil plans intentions and current actions against humanity of the who Incinerate charm cruel decay disgust evil intolerant obsessive toxic  

We can look to shifts within about 5 weeks in the news for this final clearing and watching for changes for 4 months! 

When our community comes together like this in such a great effort to push forward and help the progression of God-blessed humans, we can look at these efforts as tithing. We are purposely directing our talents for the good and benefit of all and aligning with and being in the service of God.