There has been much in the way of celebrating in our academy this week as our great partners the Light Brigade and the Blueprint Guardians, have launched a lets celebrate all that has been accomplished and take the time to say well done! 30 years under our belt! Yep 30 years this week. I now have a Texas Corporation…how exciting is that? Change is being supported and awe and wonder will soon follow. 

So if you see the difficulty, does that mean you have to live in the reality of it?

Hmm. Well let’s see. My car was broken into the 3rd week here, I lost my check books and computer.

 Ok computer ordered, now to the bank account. 

I was so surprised not one major bank here in San Antonio had not been in a recent scandal. So I began attempting to set up a bank account, but with really no luck. The universe was stopping me. People wouldn’t call me back, forms didn’t hold all the info I typed in. It did seem almost impossible  but I had an idea !!! What about a credit union? Yep, I was able to get a credit union checking account set up here. There are typically 2 people there at any given time, it’s a little hole in the wall building, nothing fancy, no frills.

Trying to get a business account set up proved more demanding. But as they asked for many documents, I got my bookkeeper and accountant involved and we did it. We got the original papers of the corporation from 2010, something I hadn’t seen in a while, as well as filing for the Texas business corporation papers. With all my t’s crossed and i’s dotted I am ready to set up my appointment for an account. 

So the challenge was presented, lost checks, urgently needing a new account. Now not only is a new account set up, but all the corporation papers are current for  my business as well! 

I brought the car for detailing after the robbery. As I pulled into the car dealership a semi-truck hit my car with us in it! There actually were previous scratches on the car where the truck hit us, so the completely paid for body work corrected not only the damage of the semi, but the previous problems! Coincidently I had just prior to this thought, I’d either like to get body work on the can to correct the scratches, or get a new car, this happened very quickly with no expense to me. 

Our passports were also stolen. Mine expired in 2020. Still, we needed to replace them. I went to the passport office with a gigantic line, once I got up to the front, they informed me I must have Adelia there with me. As a result, I explained Adelia’s situation and they made an appointment a few days later early at 7:30 before the office was open, she behaved beautifully and the passports are on their way. 

There seems to be good in every event you may first register as bad. I can see a hundred ways we have been blessed by things not going as planned and then turning out for the best. 

Hold to the vision. Hold to what you intend. Stay in the joy field and let what any trauma means go as quickly as you can. You are not the trauma. The universe may not be trying to tell you something, it just may be the chaos of the world working towards swift resolution of needs.

Life is lived in movement, rest times come, but growth happens when your legs and arms are moving, when your hands are typing, and your smile is greeting new friends. 

I encourage you to come out of trauma. Out of your turtle shell and live life with heart open and arms wide open to receive the great awe and wonder heading your way!