Interview with Holy. The Grace class didn’t give me much with the words, but the feeling came like a kiss with a still wind, and washed over us all. Various songs you have taught us over the years came into my heart Holy Holy Holy, Breath on me breath of God etc. The feeling was warm, comfortable, peaceful and felt like I was home, finally home again. also had the feeling of the beauty in the quiet, where there are no sounds or echoes. Have understood how I get there and how I always want to be in that love.

Thank you, it was a beautiful experience ~Emona 

This session of Grace showed us how a being who does not speak but rather adores God every moment of her existence, can show up and provide a profound transformation by an experience. Early on she realized speaking our words wasn’t easy, but she was willing. It was gentle, quiet and lovely. We did get to understand her intention to help us live in loving praise and adoration. We were given a goal of 5-10% of our day dedicated to actively praising God for the wonder and miracles we live in. 

She shared with us that there are 7-9 ways to adore and praise God. Some are energetic while others are revitalizing.