We found out something really amazing in class this past week. We have a God-given ability to receive Truth Wisdom Input. The crazy thing is that it has all but been fully lost to an overlay we have heard about called the 6th sense. 

We’ll look first at the overlay of the 6th sense and follow that with the details of what we were actually gifted with Truth Wisdom Input. 

Sensing into the sixth sense feels like witchy devilry. Who talks about it and how is it used? The shows on witches and evil possession primarily talk about a sixth sense. 

What is it? Being sensorily aware of the energetic self of:

  • Danger
  • Presence’s
  • Terror
  • Future awareness of danger
  • Largely alerting to unsafe circumstances

 The frequency is lowered. for most of us who are active in classes, we are reading a frequency of 400 in this area, but for the general population, their frequency in this area is so extremely low at  20 overall for humanity. 

This 6th sense overlay is working in our present and future. At the present time, we are at 3% of what we were created to be aware of in this area of perception. Synthetic created this overlay. 

Truth Wisdom Input, is the gift from God that never stops. 6th sense is suppressing this but it has not made it go away, nor has it been damaged, we are just not able to access much of it currently. our clearings are so instrumental in clearing this. 

To have Truth Wisdom input means you are sensorily aware from the energetic self of:

  • Love
  • Generosity
  • Hope
  • Mercy
  • Holiness
  • kindness
  • Tenderness

also could trigger awareness of danger

 Found in revelations 4 the experience of such a high level of worship

Holy- Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. Day and night they never stop saying: “ ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come.” 

Please note the word experience not ‘feel’. 

It means you are part of this great blessing having access and all flowing information from God as Spirit of Truth – we also refer to as Holy Spirit!    

Most humans at the time of creation had a frequency of 3200-5000, this access though was set much higher than that. God set it much higher so we would ‘know’  what the truth was and who was giving this to us.  Knowing ability was at 7,000. to be clear it was set higher than you were set at so you could be sure this was God’s wisdom coming through.   

Most people are at 3% access, and those who are very Holy Spirit lead can get up to 8%. 

We have an emotion-clearing session coming up. Folks have come to rely on the system of emotions known as feelings, which include body sensations. This system of negative emotions has been usurping our awareness of pure truth and all that is meant for us to experience from God’s original blessings. 

This has many, many hours to get back to a truly blessed state of Truth and Wisdom, but we have started the journey. This information is coming from our highest level of mastery in the ignite program. 

Three things I recommend here.

  1. Ask God to help you. Pray about this, God will move the dial.
  2. Attend the classes you are able to regularly.  I know factually we will get to this topic in both Ignite and Forever, but it will likely in smaller ways have clearings coming in many of the classes, and getting to this high level is not quick, but extremely exciting to ponder.
  3. Join the Emotions class as emotions are suppressing this area dramatically.

John 16:13

But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.