How Can I Bear to Know More?

I think in this newsletter I want to speak about knowing stuff that hurts the heart and causes cognitive dissonance. How to be able to know something and not feel you must help to resolve every issue, but turn it to God quickly, knowing what your role will be in this unfolding journey.

Remember whatever you heart and mind are dwelling on is what will show up in your life.

So, with this spiritual truth, how do we take our place as responsible world citizens and help the peoples on earth to come into more light and love daily?

What do you think?

There are seemingly 2 bad paths to take on this journey. The first is to inundate yourself with all the information you can absorb in short order. This is interesting, I have to admit I did this for a couple of months. I think I was shocked I had walked around with blinders on and I wanted to catch up and know everything dark, dangerous, and harmful going on. I know while I was talking this in, I was overwhelmed to imagine, how can I help, how can I stop this all????  The second choice is to hear something and then put your blinders on and say, I don’t want to know, or that just isn’t true and look the other way.  Denying a problem exists does not make it go away, nor does it help the helplessness.

There is a 3rd choice here. Know what’s going on, read and listen to truth centered people in service to the light as you are gathering your awareness’s. Turn over any injustice to God and ask for help that it be resolved rapidly. Align with your own mission and stand true to who you are and what you came to do.

I came to help humanity. I do that by working beautifully through our community, and on an energetic level restoring those who have been harmed in service of the light no longer in body. In each clearing since the beginning of the lockdown I have added work for humanity, and I know with certainty as we raise our set point, lay a new track down for the rest of humanity to follow, this will shift us all up the earthly plain.

Stay focused on the mission. Stay balanced and well. Kick up self-care and personal growth now so that you are benefiting from the conditions currently playing out. Keep your energy high. Meditate daily. Come to classes 2-4 times a week if you can, the sessions we do are life transforming and so important.