While the past may influence the future it does not dictate the outcome. What we do in the present time can alter and even shift reality. Destiny is not a predestined outcome. Who we are and what we do with the knowledge and wisdom we are given has a greater influence than any timeline. It is not destiny but rather apathy that supports difficult outcomes.

As well, our thoughts are things. When we think in a negative way and ruminate on a negative outcome, we actually create the ‘realm’ for it to come about. A simple cure is when a negative thought or idea comes into your mind, pray, ask God to take it from you, and think of a positive outcome or idea in its place. Ruminate on that. Dwell on what is Pure True and Holy.

Negative thoughts largely come not from inside you but from waves, transmissions, frequencies, and group mind. It is like catching a cold or a virus, you have caught the negative transmission being sent your way. But we know that you are not susceptible to illness when you are proactive and prophylactically take supplements and exercise to have your immune system run at 100%. In the same way, you can discipline and strengthen your mind to resist and repel the evil that is being broadcast out.

Set an intention for discernment and an ability to know the truth not only with your mind but through your inner gifts of awareness. Daily, if not moment by moment is in communication with God, and ask for help.

What I learned as a young girl, a song from scripture that keeps this in the forefront of our hearts and minds:

See ye first the kingdom of God

and His righteousness

and all these things shall be added unto you


Ask and it shall be given unto you

Seek and ye shall find.

Knock and the door shall be open unto you

alleluia.  Matthew 6:33