On Monday I did our first New Grace series interview with Micheal. One of the key messages he gave us is that the battle will continue. He does not see an end. Why? Because much of humanity has chosen a darker path than God’s alignment. In our Pure Potential class focusing on the topic of Sexuality and Purity, we got a good insight into how this is playing out.

The demonic sexuality is where the change from human to demonic spirit happens. What is Demonic or dark sexuality?

  1. People of their own volition come to the dark activity willingly and because of this, they are susceptible to the cutting away of all of the human heart song and God-ordained individuation.
  2. The cutting away of humanity has then generated a demonic race of humans.
  3. Dark Sexual activities are 80% of Pornography, sex addiction, 60% of ‘trans’ as in the act of having another spirit inhabit a body, for example, born one sex not having the opposite gendered spirit inhabiting the body, 100% of Pedophilia, and pedophore abusing and in some cases killing a child after imposing sex on them. Satanic and demonic sex rituals and it is possible if a child or infant is in a ritual, the parent can act for them to strip away humanity. The version of sex that includes violence, beatings, etc, is in the category as well.

40% of humanity is demonically/satanically altered.

This is what remains with the human is changed demonically:

Micheal wanted us to understand that all humans do not reflect the God aligned blessing they once had, and that because they are so altered he sees no end to the spiritual battle in sight.

I tested we could shift possibly 9% back with some hard work, but since they willingly went for this alteration, and I am not at this point directed to or think it’s a good idea to incinerate them, it does give new meaning to the spiritual battle ahead, and also perspective on how humanity got to where it is now.

I want to be clear: this thing, demonic sex, does not have to do with gay sex, bi-sex, group sex, etc. Where there is love and affection, the cutting away does not happen. Humans, in our nature, are creators and experimenters. To try unique and different versions of relating to another is NOT evil.

We are constantly learning new things to look at, understand and address as we are guided. The wisdom of the academy is growing.

In the clearing of this issue we had these energetic beings participate:

  • Elah 33 all of them
  • Holy 24 all of them
  • Merfolk 1500 – from God cloud 13 all of them
  • Archangels the colorful ones from the other dimension 8
  • Seraphim 1800 Cherubim 860 these two groups had experienced alterations made into devil, I changed but to there angel type 2 years ago.
  • Guardian 6 I was surprised at how low this number was
  • Death angel 3 I was surprised at how low this number was
  • Angel type16 126
  • Angel t7 – 17
  • Arcturian 9 wanting to do all they can to learn and improve their ability to restore natural potential for  baring children

And who was overseeing our work:

God the Father and Holy Spirit both with 100% approval.

We have other holy beings like Jesus and Mary who did not participate. I heard this was not in their purview, not part of what they could help with. So, they could not help in this.

It has been a powerful week of learning, growing, and deepening our understanding. There is a big opening with the election where the powers of darkness are scrambling, and the pressures of evil are less. in the confusion and chaos they are going through. This is a time for us to make great progress and a quantum leap ahead. It will also be a time of seeing stuff we may not enjoy seeing and understanding what we are on other levels facing that we had not yet known. We must invoke courage and fortitude as we blaze ahead!