


These 3 skills are all extremely helpful in the decision-making process. In many of our recent clearing statements I have included discernment and knowing.  It is something we hold of high value in the foundation of our programs. 

At the beginning of the decision, pray. Ask God to help make this a joy filled  process with a great answer. 

In addition, the above to make a great decision you must first know who you are and what you value most. This becomes the foundation you will launch from when pursuing any decision.

I was recently asked about my potential move and someone was thinking wherever I move would be a good place for them. I have to say there are so many factors in deciding where to move what your priorities are and if you should move at all or not so let me just use that as an example and show you how to work out a decision making process that’s informed, educated but also awake and aware.

Transformation Possibilities?

We shouldn’t just think; “oh things are impossibly difficult; I need to move.”  The first thing we could ask is: “what are my possibilities for transforming what I live in or where I live now?”

And after exploring what can I transform, shift, change then ask next do I want to do that? In other words do I want to put my energy in that direction, spend the time and effort to do that? If the answer is yes, then the next steps are unnecessary.

 Collapsing one idea into another?

Life is not black or white it comes in varying shades and hues of a brilliant mufti colored choices. We sometime collapse one idea or circumstance into a meaning and don’t see the many choices In front of us. Yet to know and be aware of the many potential possibilities in a decision can provide great power.

 Questioning why didn’t this circumstance work out???

What might have been really a priority and meet your needs five or 10 years ago may not have anything to do with who you are now. It’s always good to evaluate decisions that you’ve made in the past related to who you are now and what is best suited for you in the present time.


The size of the home, the fact that he could have a rental cottage, the location, the views all were such beautiful answers to what I was looking for in the past. I had a dream of adopting three children. I imagined living in a palace-like environment out in the country. I had a strong desire for the peace and serenity of country living and all of these were beautiful we met in the home that we currently live. 

Cons, Seeing what the challenges are.

As the years have passed, I’ve noticed something I didn’t anticipate with Adelia, I’m spending much time on the road driving. Now our Beautiful palace with serene views and country living comes at a high cost of many daily hours driving.

As well I was not as clear or informed about the intense taxation in our area and the politics that don’t seem to align with my values. Because we are in a lovely area it has recently attracted a few unsavory criminal types right in our area. I could not have imagined this in the past.

Daycare/preschool/sitter situation has proven much more challenging here where the population is older, family services are few and far between and surprisingly with the Obama changes in healthcare we dramatically lost many of our former healthcare benefits and coverage. 

They are calling the end of summer fall fire season this year. But have caught 50 arsonists so perhaps not a season but a dry time ripe for fire started to inflict damage . 

To counter the cons and pros and look at present time.

The house continues to have beautiful views and it continues to be a gorgeous house inside and out. The cottage is easily rentable and bringing in extra income.

And as we contemplate or consider a move it would be one that would move us to a location that would

  1.   A community with at least a good faction of “service to the light”
  2.   Family oriented, with great children’s service playgrounds differs public and private school
  3.   Health care good choices
  4.   Grocery store close
  5.   playground and other kids.
  6.   taxed taxation
  7.   Safer
  8.   Better more in the light politics
  9.   Great place to worship
  10. Potential for marriage and partnership
  11. Good personal care services
  12. Nature and places to enjoy outdoor athletics
  13. Wonderful for myself wonderful for Adelia we could feel joyous in joy field regularly

After this list is compiled then there is still the testing process. Using muscle testing you can go one by one on your list and see how true the current situation is or how close to fulfilling 100% and what a future location or situation would be. As you test you can also ask if there are a few that are lower can I use the quantum field to and my pumping to improve that? 

Making changes can be challenging but it can be done with. With confidence