We’ve moved into autumn and the brisk evening and early morning air for us atop the mountain marks a change of season. The roses seem to love this weather, heat in the day, coolness at night. Our fish are also enjoying the change of season, ready for the fall pond clean out soon to get done by our helpers.

When I think about making the most of everyday I’m brought back to the idea of list-making and planning, and even more importantly, not carrying everything around in your head every minute of the day. Writing things down on paper, giving them a place to rest, have legs, find a time for completion, but not mulling around in your beautiful, possibly over extended brain is an excellent move to being in the present moment.

I’ve learned something so valuable, that today is the day, today is the moment I have dreamed of. However it shows up. I awoke feeling pretty good, Adelia however awoke way too early, stuffy nose which seemed to make life not so enjoyable for her as she wanted to run and play, but my intuition told me she really just needed rest today. And so our day, with a two hour training, was primarily dedicated to rocking and soothing an anxious, upset toddler.

And this too is what I had dreamed of. Loving my daughter, no matter what was happening, rocking her, till I am fully exhausted and then some, comforting her, assuring her this too shall pass, sharing stories with her from my childhood (which she listened very attentively too) and just being a mom.

We do lots of wonderful adventures, just yesterday we headed over to the pumpkin patch for a big exploration of the magical pumpkin kingdom! With a toddler everything is wonderful, everything is magical and exciting, even going to the grocery store where she can drive the car in from of the cart, it’s like going to Disneyland and if I can and usually do stay present to the wonder my daughter is experiencing many many moments are filled with magic and fun. Even the hard times are such a blessing. We are building up a warehouse of memories, how we stick together and get through hard stuff is part of that.

My big bed was way to exciting to lay still in so we went to Adelia’s crib-sized day bed and laid together. Will she remember these times? Maybe not, but she will remember the loving comfort and presence I was and she will know I am there for her, loving her. She told me she was a good girl, a bad girl and mamas girl, and I told her I love all of her, the good and naughty, all of her versions. I see her little wheels turning as she registers the meaning of what I say, she gets it, I believe it is why she is so happy and confident even in new circumstances.

Making everything right, learning and growing from everything is where we can fully thrive and be our very best version, living a fully expressed life!