For about 10 months now we have known there was a category Humans as interferences but have virtually known nothing about what this meant or who was behind this interference category. In these past 2 weeks the information has rolled out, and come into our community view screen, ready to understand and clear/restore. 

As you read last week in the newsletter the big issue in the most recent battle of Purity verses Evil has been all manner of soul stealing. Here is the article in case you missed it, As Above So Below 

‘This current conflict has been raging 1700 years and soul stealing is rampant . I am able because I am part of the designing race that worked hand in hand with God to develop creation, replace and build missing pieces. I’m doing this for our mastery program and in isolated items with our forever group. There are answers to the destruction, and healing to the fragmented spirit. Please know that the current chaos on the earthly plan is very much influenced by the malefic forces. Organ harvesting, soul stealing mind control and so many things currently done in the shadows are a part of this.’ 

What I had not gotten fully into my own consciousness when I wrote this was the implications of these words: Organ harvesting, soul stealing. What I saw in that moment was the crimes against humanity in terms of the physical organ harvesting both from fetuses and from trafficked and enslaved people. But there was another version of this which is now revealed in our new understanding. 

It appears that when an organ says through surgery is removed, about 72 hours later it is removed from your personal blueprint. …Say WHAT??? 

These Spiritual Interferences are actively stealing our personal blueprint: 

  • C3 Arachnoid Spider CD 7th
  • C6 Arachnoid Preying Mantis
  • D12 Arachnoid
  • Plus 3 Arachnoid
  • B2 Phantom
  • B3 Reptiod
  • 3 more Reptiod 

This is so fantastic to understand.

  1. I was never able to understand why in some cases I could activated the growth of a surgically removed organ, while in other cases, using similar techniques could not get any movement. The personal blueprint is part of your Essence. Without the blueprint organ, it could exist physically in your body, but if it was removed, there was no organ in the personal blueprint to work off of so that it could be brought back into physical form.
  2. A question was asked in class is this a reason for gender dysphoria and the whole trans gender issue? For example, it there were no blueprint informing the body this is who you are in this incarnation, would you feel strongly you knew who you are? The answer to this question was absolutely is contributing to the gender confusion.
  3. With this in mind, gender dysphoria, and as well difficulty conceiving matches a nefarious purpose of massive population control. Less babies born, less couples male/female.

Finally, about this it is a relatively new phenomenon, some of the techniques are as new existing only 10 years. The stealing of the blueprint head with decapitation that is 90 years old.   

Although the list below is 100% yet< it is a good representation for us to work from:

The letter and number are our system of identification, the organ for example liver would be found missing in the personal blueprint. 

  • B4 Liver spleen
  • D8 lungs bronchi
  • H12 uterus ovaries fallopian tubes cervix, pituitary
  • gland
  • C21 adrenal amputation of legs arms toes head (40 years)
  • E27 gallbladder, duodenum, stomach, bowels, pancreas   
  • B33 Labrum – tissue connecting into the hip 6 things like this
  • in this category
  • E40 thyroid
  • H40 kidney appendix 

If you can think of stem cells be taken from harvested fetuses to create vaccines to distribute to the population, you might better understand how this energetic material is being taken and used elsewhere. 

Here is what I have to date identified as the nefarious uses of these stolen parts: 

  • Access fuel from light of cells
  • use as a power source,
  • interfere with and cause rapid aging,
  • repressing longevity
  • suppressing,
  • parasitical
  • stimulate compulsion
  • transmitter
  • receiver
  • tracking device
  • steal life force
  • draw out
  • swelling, poor
  • control 

So once a tool or system has been fashioned from the stolen parts it is used

About 70% on other humans (not the original owner with intent to harm

And about 30% they are developing new malefic devices for

additional purposes.