I’ve been asked what I’m doing with Adelia to help her.

  1. I got her set up with ABC sheets I google and found for$1 we practice one letter each day.
  2. She has a Saturday live zoom ballet tap class we re do 3 additional days.
  3. I have color pages: (a) We have movie color books I take one page at a time. (b) If for example, we have a specific item we are learning about say insects I put in the search box free color pages insects. As well she is collecting and examining in jars. (c) We at some point also got large color sheets which are good for markers and paints.
  4. Paining similar to coloring but add some excitement with finger paints Tempera with brushes and watercolor.
  5. Saving stuff like T.P. rolls egg cartons oatmeal boxes and more to make projects with.
  6. We’re getting fun ideas from the Michaels craft store on projects.
  7. We pressed flowers after one hike and got some sticks in another then wrapped with yarn for a god’s eye.
  8. Our church shoreline and right now media have many resources color pages short movies with a religious theme super nice.
  9. We like to listen to Joel Osteen and air1 radio praise music.
  10. Music guitar and singing. Lots of singing and learning new songs.
  11. While Adelia colors I also taken a break and color in adult color books my favorite is live loved.
  12. Hikes stopping off the see the neighbor’s animals collecting anything we are interested in that day to talk about.
  13. Sending cards with drawings to people we love going to the post office to mail.
  14. Planting seeds and garden activities.
  15. Friday night movies with pizza popcorn and pickles.
  16. Sticker pages. I grabbed a drawing journal of mine for her to make and save sticker pages. thanks to our friend Flora I am sure this will be fun to look at all the pages.
  17. Story time 2times a day.
  18. When I need to work for my biz, I have set up a hideout for Adelia we have a spa area in our lower level by sliding glass doors she watches signing time learning science sign language and much more.
  19. And when teaching a class, she watches frozen over and over her favorite movie or plays outside if the sun is shining.
  20. Cooking and baking together and Adelia throws tea parties with all her kitchen stuff.
  21. Bath fun and hot tub play for a change of pace this for Adelia is largely splashing.
  22. Having her help with house chores like sweeping dishes laundry.
  23. A good girl chart and magnets as well sticker rewards and homemade apple juice popsicles.
  24. Adelia’s liking fixing her own hair and doing lotion like mommy.
  25. Finding the fun in what is next.

End of day after story’s we rock and pray it is so amazing what Adelia wants to tell god about our day.

Are you living life or making a life? You can choose to direct even this part of life.