The most ancient part of the blueprint, which we used to call perception is now referred to as Prime Wisdom. This is what I have been shown is the earliest and most accurate human blueprint.

Prime Wisdom

  • Pure View
  • Pure Internal Dialogue
  • Pure God Magnetism
  • Clear seeing (divine mind)
  • *future -awareness
  • *present- witness
  • *past- reflection
  • God hearing
  • True Brightness
  • Light Unification
  • Red blood cell in muscle understanding
  • Engagement
  • Truth wisdom input
  • Divine Receivership awareness
  • Embodied Godself Action
  • Embodied Resolve
  • Resonance
  • God sourced awareness

For the area we referred to as Essence, now called God Made Human

God Made Human

  • God Fire
  • Authority
  • Body endorsement realm
  • Conscious Awake
  • Vibratory Divine Self
  • God Awareness
  • Breath of life
  • Physical Integration foundation
  • Energetic Foundation

The category we called Matter is still being worked out we now call it Quantum Vibration Structure

And for the category that used to be Energy Systems, we now call

God Created Energic Brilliance

  • God sourced admission to quantum transformation
  • God Pleasure Context
  • God Mind Admission
  • Pillar
  • God Strength Door

Over the coming weeks, I will be providing more details and descriptions of each of these areas as we delve deeply into the Mastery and Forever 701 programs to learn and activate these areas and fully release all that did not come to us by way of God-sourced creation.

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