If you see a quote like this on social media, don’t be manipulated.

‘Jesus tried to change people by loving and healing them. His harshest words of judgment were reserved for those who perpetuated systems of inequality and oppression and who, through religion itself, thought they were sinless and untouchable’. 

Jesus’ life and mission were to lead people back to God and a Godly way of life. He did not ‘try’ to do anything. He loved and healed people to heal the broken and always helped folks with their unbelief to return to loving God and communing with God. 

His most impactful teachings were to fight against satan and all his works and all his ways. He commanded demons out of the oppressed who struggled with a demonic possession. Jesus was not fighting against systems of oppression and inequality. He was not in politics. Actually to that end He said give to Cesar what is due to Cesar. Meaning he knew he wasn’t to challenge the political system. His mission was to point the way back to God in a world filled with sin.

 Jesus did not rail against religion, on the contrary he grew up as a Jew, studied scripture and sought closeness with fellow believers. Even as a child He wondered what each chapter and verse meant and in the Jewish tradition sought out the elders in discourse to challenge and argue His understanding of scripture with those who lived it to their best ability daily.   

He was here to point the way back to God and, in His death, provide salvation to those who believed in Him. The person who wrote this is clearly not a Christian and has written a manipulation to suppress those who are on a Godly path.  It tests satanic.