Life in Balance with Julie Renee Doering

Life in Balance with Julie Renee Doering

Has 2012 been a year of over reaching and excessive striving? Does your life reflect a path of exhaustion and out of balanced living? In this completion week, I encourage you to learn to do without doing.

The path to balance and happiness is one of ease and grace.  Could you imagine yourself setting an intention and being open to fulfillment coming naturally? What if the universe has wanted to support your journey? Have you taken over the role of ‘God’ and forgotten the gifts promised you?

The universe is available to collaborate with you.

Look at how much fuel you have funded your physical body with. Understand that fuel comes not from the mind, but from time in reflection, creativity, and expressions of love.

If you have a mission, a desire to fulfill in the world, or change you want to affect; I encourage you to shift now.  During the week between Christmas and New Year’s, make time for quiet reflection. If you have been away from your art, dance, or woodworking hobbies, find a way to bring these fueling activities into your life again.

The short days of winter are a perfect time for internal reflection. I have added longer periods of time for meditation and prayer. Perhaps, you might also work these practices into your schedule. We live much of our life in the outer world. Have you nurtured your inner garden lately?

I was visiting my sister for a family holiday.  She showed me her latest knitting, scrap-booking, and quilting projects. I could see how delightful her life is. I realized that my big commitment to help make a global shift in how people think about their health (and how easily they could access their miraculous system) has caused me to fall away from the many quieting and fueling activities I so love.

Perhaps painting a new painting or a few daily moments playing my harp strings is in order. Doing without doing is a spiritual path. You will have times in your life of movement and action. This is the natural order of life. You must also have moments of rest. In these rest moments, let go of the outer world with its busy rush and be your intention.

By shifting internally and taking the time to awaken to anything inhibiting your ‘efforts,’ you can clear your path for great success. The only way to correct this imbalance is by going inside youself.

cloudsHow to Pray

If you are interested in learning a deeper kind of prayer, I have, over a period of many years, created a Rosary of the highest energy vibration. You can find about more about this Illumination Guide by visiting Illumination

How to manifest organically

To learn how to do without doing, “Accelerate Wealth from the Inside Out,” teaches you how to create a spiritual mockup and manifest without effort.

Natural Wealth

Anti-Aging without effort or surgery

People are always surprised to discover the age on my driver’s license. As I continue to turn back the hands of time and grow younger without effort, I share my secrets on beauty and regeneration in Beautiful from the Inside Out

Balance Your Life Now Book

Learn the simple eight aspects of lining a healthy happy life and bring balance and joy back to your life now. This is a perfect time to review your life and create a healthy strategy for filling up, fueling your tanks for a happy healthy 2013.

Balance Your Life Now Book