If you haven’t been in training’s lately, you’ll be excited to know of the shifts and improvements we’ve made in both the blueprint and the field of truth. 

As above so below. As in Heaven so one Earth. 

In the political arena there is a big conversation of clearing the swamp. I feel it is even more important to clear up the darkness on the astral, as this is the source of what is happening in the dark human activities of earth. 

The Divine Human Blueprint repair and Vital Restoration is in progress. 

If you think about this, how well and true the Divine Human Blueprint functions directly affects   how strongly each personal blueprint will work. 

The purpose of the Divine Human Blueprint is to direct the development and function of our embodiment and the experience of being incarnated. That means all people living, who are in a human body, have this as their source guide for existing development. Human, Angel and Elf spirits who are enjoying a human incarnation are all using the same directions. 

The first issue we dealt with is to restore the light. For years I saw the blueprint as grey, now with the work I’ve done while leading the advanced programs I’ve restored the light. I am now largely seeing pastels like orange, blue, green all soft very light colors. 

The blueprint had 16 human spirit guardians in the original design. These were all destroyed in some kind of battle between light and darkness 40,000 years ago. I have been able to locate and restore 14 of the 16 several so badly damage I reassembled more than 30 pieces of spirit and have been rebuilding the full aspect of perception and essence (essentially the energetic parts of us of which there are 35 aspects).  As well I have in total reconstituted 73 angel elf human spirits who had been torn apart in battles with darkness. These are being shepherded masterfully by Arch Angel Gabriel. There are today 410 waiting for reassembly and energetic help. I feel this is so important, the spirits who had committed to service of the light are now able to exist and help once more. There are 1000’s needing this work, it is likely a 4 year project. 

Another area of revitalizing the protection of the blueprint was to bring in new human guardian spirits. At our highest count there were 36 trying out for the position, there are currently 19 with 26 additional golden legion angels, these are warrior angels now in service to protecting.

the blueprint from dark forces! They are being mentored by Mother Mary who stepped in and offered her help lovingly. 

The blueprint is undergoing tremendous transformation.  I have worked all of these areas from sometime extremely low percentage to now all weighing in at 100% in the Divine Human Blueprint.

This represents a good very strong shift for the better, yet I know there is a tremendous work ahead of us to fully revitalize, purify and strengthen the blueprint all ‘humans’ spirits in a body are significantly developed from.

It’s an exciting time in the academy