I know that DNA does appear to be an important factor in life, at least in what we hear from science and medicine, but I want you to understand this is an illusion. Two things I want you to understand: 

  1. God did not make it, ordain its use in humans, or approve of it in any way.
  2. It is a tool, a mechanism to implant many nefarious issues in your body. You might even imagine it as very similar to artificial intelligence.

Below is a small research project with some very important data included. If you have not studied with me you may not be able to grasp the meaning of the chart fully, but you will get the idea. 

DNA has no truth in it, it is a deception. our personal and Divine Blueprint is 100% pure and true. 

We do not own our DNA, it is owned and operated from several alien races. We do own our Blueprint and can own it 100% if we choose to do so. 

God created our being to live fully and enjoy a long vibrant life, our blueprint supports this. DNA does not support life; it was not created for life.

Here is the research I promised 

Human Genome/DNA Versus Personal Blueprint