In our bones revitalization retreat this week (Energize) we saw an odd picture of a freeze being done to the energetic part of self. For some, this was very little or not at all but for others, myself included this was very much and play. 

Among the many targeted things an incapacitator can do, for the body, we saw that any part of the body can be held in energetic stasis.  This circumstance looks similar to what was done to hold angels in a cryo-freeze prison.   

Because the energetic self is frozen, the physical self would continue to be at the effect by decay or degeneration. This would be played out in a loss of authority, even if you had full ownership and use. Your Authority is part of your consciousness. 

Think of the body as molecules vibrating and the energetic self as engaging the molecules through quantum particles vibrating. With these incapacitators, the molecules are still vibrating, but part of the quantum transformative space cannot happen, about 20% of the transformative interaction is frozen. 

These incapacitators are Done by Pleiadeans using the Quantum Bus. E8 Quantum Bus device for storing, transferring data Pleiadean. 

60% of my energetics is frozen 

Incapacitator’s agents and their source found related to bones muscles joints ligaments included:

  • Pleiadeans Quantum Bus
  • F9 Kurs
  • C13 Kurs
  • B18 CD 3rd Phantom
  • F6 Synthetic/Amphibian CD 3rd  
  • Consciousness type 6

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