I’m not sure if you noticed we had started a class related to the pandemic issue; I feel every person should attend. Why do I feel so strongly? Because everyone is being affected by things now playing out, whether you notice the issues or just feel more tired and sluggish.

A very real problem is the Morgellons, a parasitical life form inserted up the nose with nasal testing. These ‘things’ did not originate on earth, have intelligence and cause many, many challenges. Since they are hard to diagnose, doctors often mistake their presence as a mental disorder and prescribe anti-depressants, other psychiatrist drugs, and talk therapy.

Here is a description is taken from a web article of the issue, which is inserted in the Nasal test you or a family member may have taken:

Morgellons disease is an uncommon, poorly understood condition characterized by small fibers or other particles emerging from skin sores. People with this condition often report feeling as if something were crawling on or stinging their skin.

Some doctors recognize the condition as a delusional infestation and treat it with cognitive behavioral therapy, anti-depressants, antipsychotic drugs, and counseling. Others think the symptoms are related to an infectious process in skin cells. Further study is needed.

Signs and symptoms

People who have Morgellons disease report the following signs and symptoms:

  • Skin rashes or sores that can cause intense itching
  • Crawling sensations on and under the skin, often compared to insects moving, stinging, or biting
  • Fibers, threads, or black stringy material in and on the skin
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Depressed mood
  • The intense itching and open sores associated with Morgellons disease can severely interfere with a person’s quality of life.

In our first week, we worked to remove the harmful effects of the spike protein which is shedding from vaccinated people to people free of the vaccines tomorrow; we work on these issues.