When we look at the way we were brought into God’s creation, all the steps of creation were from GOD.

There were 34 steps for humans to get to who God intended for us to be and approximately 39 for angels, remembering there are many unique kinds of angels. 

It is interesting to note that God did not intend for us to have a blueprint. We might want to think of the human blueprint as similar in at least some of its many overlays as a way to embed controls over the purity and perfection that we are. 

I wondered whose idea the Blueprint was. The initial answer I got was 2 kinds of reptilians, lucifer, and serpent. 

We have done much to close down the overlaid blueprint, in about 5 weeks we should be able to close out the overlaid human blueprint entirely. 

In our origins, we were all able at 100% to speedily fulfill mission mastery. The speed of our current molecular existence is now 86% less than what our quantum speed was when we were purely of God. 

We are in a state where authority, ownership, and experience cannot be fully owned in this altar blueprint. You can remember back over the previous year or the many add-ons like chakras, DNA, kundalini, meridians, and puranic breath. The Blueprint was designed in part by the 5 alien races who wanted to harvest our energy, control our longevity, thwart our relationship with God and mission from God, and of course, enslave us. 

We are actively seeking to return to the pure state that is meant for us.

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