where you need to be

The nation honors the month of April each year as a year to be aware of stress and the devastating affects it can have on your life. You know me always trying to turn lemons into DIAMONDS! (Forget lemon aid let’s go for a transformation rather them just an upgrade.)

Stress can play an important and even a great role in your life if you know how to transform stress to positive actions, and times for reflection. Without stress we would all lolly-gag around turning into our own version of Java the Hut. So how do we harness the positive powers of stress and allow the negative aspects to dissipate?First off, understand if you are experiencing a negative stress, it may be your mindset or point of view is not correctly attuned to the situation. Ask yourself, how am I looking at this? Is it a hardship? Is it draining? I promise you anything you are experiencing in a cumulatively negative way can also be experienced from a positive. Could you make a game of the situation? Could you give the task to another who enjoys it? What would need to shift in you to have fun in the moment?

Next, look at how you plan your day and week. Write down everything that needs to be done and then create order for accomplishing everything over the next few weeks. When you leave everything up in your head there is a kind of intense urgent pressure that everything needs to be done urgently and right away. This is probably not the truth. Reevaluate, get it on a white board or a grid of some kind and begin to take the steps needed to succeed over time. Slow and steady does win the race and you can do it in grace and ease!Finally, have you appreciated what you are stressed about? Is it giving you the next steps to your unfolding or showing you what needs to move to take your next big step up? Gratitude can shift a tremendous amount tension and turn it into positive fuel for your unstoppable life!Finding balance and joy is so easy. You might enjoy a little balance in your life right now! For more tips on easing into your blissful transformation this month CLICK HERE