Julie Renee Doering, Brain Rejuvenation Expert Reveals the Finding from Her Major Brain Study Concerning Brain Cell Regeneration, Enhancing Memory, Mental Outlook, Sleep, and More. Julie Renee is America’s Leading Authority on Quantum Celluar Mechanics. After battling multiple cancers, living in a wheelchair, and surviving threats of death, Julie Renee is the author of several books including, “Your Divine Human Blueprint.”

Doering conducted a 6 month Cellular Neo-Genesis Brain Study with over 200 participants which showed that participants experienced 15 to 35 percent improvement in Five Major Areas, and Doering’s study demonstrated that her Quantum Energy Approach to Cell Regrowth shows great promise for reversing age-related issues including possibly reversing memory loss. Using the protocol that she developed, Doering guided the program’s participants ages 40-75 to 26% memory improvement, 37% improvement in mental outlook, 33% improvement in better sleep, a 19 percent reduction of headaches, and 15% improvement for those experiencing speech difficulties.

Doering’s success is credited to Quantum Activation that moves through a six step process of clearing and regeneration. Using the revolutionary method of cell regeneration called celluar neo genesis, the participant experiences a quieting of the mind and lightness of emotion as the first potent three hours of rejuvenation occurs. The restorative process is supported by using high vibrational guided meditation, proper hydration, and uplifting activities.

The Brain Rejuvenation work that Julie Renee is doing is just the tip of the iceberg in her Revolutionary Quantum Activation Academy which offers training i more than 81 countries. She has worked with such luminaries as Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, and actress Barbara Niven, and Julie Renee will soon be seen on PBS Series Creative Living.

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