We have for years looked at what is referred to as the soul as the protective container for the spirit. We have worked with these ideas: 

  • Embodied intelligence/wisdom 
  • Protection of spirit 
  • God light throughout incarnation 
  • Fulfillment purpose

When asking our students what they felt about the words soul and soulful they shared their ideas:

What is to be soulful? 

  • Heartfelt reflective loving…..someone with
  • Having depth and compassion
  • Being connected to creativity and nature
  • Loved up, unconditional love and God connected
  • Joyful
  • A person who is grounded and content
  • One who expresses their nature as ethereal, spiritual, and loving
  • Someone who experiences fulfillment of purpose
  • A soul Singer is a person who is expressing their authentic being through their voice

All of these are beautiful ideas.

We have learned so much about what is from God, and who we authentically are. Our definition changes for more accuracy. 

What is soul? 

  1. Breath of life is the action of animation of spirit in body
  2. God pleasure context experience of ecstatic joy from God Origins to energetic self felt or experienced in body.
  3. Quantum Field Golden rings our personal field of transformation ~ this is currently damaged, reduced, and inhibited.

This new definition is 97% right.

Knowing who we are and how our interacting parts work is an important part of our journey of mastery.