We are finding out so much about the role of DNA and this week was no exception, we took another spiritual ‘REDPILL’ and saw something pretty shocking, hard to believe, and yet it all makes sense when you put the pieces together. 

Let’s start with what we know. 

  • God did not create or approve of DNA.
  • 3 alien races were involved in the development of DNA: Arachnoid, Reptilian, Serpent
  • From all we have seen so far DNA was created for nefarious purposes.
  • One purpose was to cull energy from us as if we were chattel/ livestock
  • A large number of anchors on our chart that source all kinds of issues are anchored in DNA as if they were created to support these problems
  • DNA is a mechanism, a technology
  • 1% of DNA in the Human genome 99% of its use is unknown
  • DNA is used for tracking

We also know some of the details of how and when it was added. The aliens began to add the DNA about 31,000 years ago. it was added to all in the earth realm, not just humans.  Animals, actually all creatures including angels had this added.  We rescued some archangels from another dimension months ago, they were brightly colored and had to integrate to communicate with us, they do not have DNA.  The large angels that had been rescued from the black hole who had been trapped 90,000 years ago, did not have DNA. Those angels and Divine Beings like Jesus who have had an earthly incarnation seem to have more DNA (about 10% more) than those who live entirely in the energetic realm (about 3%). 

DNA can be used for control, including mind and consciousness control. Mechanisms are being added through food, water, drugs that implant in DNA and can cause unnatural transmissions. 

Examples of this: people who became magnetic or their body began having a Bluetooth signal after the poke.  At age 28 my body in the area where radiation treatment was focused began to pick up radio signals and broadcast them. I could stand in a corner of the Minneapolis police department (where I worked as a graphic artist)  And my body would tune in to WCCO radio. Out of my chest came …and Harmon Killebrew hit another home run!!!…. I test this came from the numerous surgeries and general anesthesia which somehow interacted with my DNA making me a walking broadcast system. 

Coming to the Clone issue, I want to ask you an odd question. Have you ever been told you look exactly like another person? And have you ever met that person? As we discussed this topic in class, many of our students said yes, I hear that a lot, and no I have never met the look alike. 

What if our biological ability to reproduce was somewhat altered/ tampered with and rather than being an organic original, the DNA had hijacked conception and development of an embryo and we are clones?  I test there are about 70 look-alikes of me on the earth, none of us are the original. The originals were 31,000 years back.  Food for thought for sure. Who are we really? I also want to acknowledge our spirits are authentically us.  We will discuss in a future article the manipulation of spirit as well, but for now, we are looking at the role of DNA and cloning. 

One of our highly educated participants told me in her medical studies there is a conversation about DNA and family. It is said that your DNA will be more similar to a stranger than to your siblings. Why would that be? What if the DNA is just spewing out the next version of the next clone to incarnate? 

My older brother used to joke about the two youngest siblings saying they had no resemblance to us, they must have come from the milkman and the mailman. As they age they have developed family resemblances, but we see that with pet owners as well, people will begin to look more like their pet over time. This molding to your familiars is also happening through the DNA. 

As the population increases the number of lookalikes (clones) does as well. As I understand this, we have maintained our ability to reproduce organically and create originals. the shortening of fertility abilities which used to be 40-50 years 12-70-year-old women could have babies, we now see the infertility issues starting in the late ’30s. I believe this is in the precursor to DNA – RNA. 

We now know about body doubles; we see them used in politics. Perhaps this is another explanation for the phenomenon.  The old movie Dave illustrated what I am speaking about, a look-alike to the president who took over office while the president was in a coma. Voice sounds the same. I have another example of that. My great Grandmother who I never met and I apparently look so much the same, when I walked in the room after not seeing my uncles for 10 years, shouted and jumped up, then said don’t scare us like that, I apparently look so much like little grama, they thought I was her ghost or that she had come back from the dead. 

Should we be worried? Yes. and no. I trust God. We are being given this knowledge so that we can transform into pure beings once more.  Our DNA removal class is the first step on this issue. DNA removal includes RNA removal. As I gain more information I will share additional details on the topic of DNA.

DNA Removal Program – Clearing Self & Family

Our DNA removal program is an opportunity for you to have me help you break free of this nefarious tool used on us by aliens. You will not be able to do this on your own, You’ll need my assistance to get this done.

Starts March 9th, 2022 11:00 am central

Click here to learn more and enroll