In the past few weeks, we are seeing a very interesting pattern emerging in the existence and cultivation of DNA. 

  1. It was not in our original design
  2. It was not God-created or approved
  3. Most humans came into being 60-80,000 years ago. DNA was added  28,000 years ago
  4. Two races, Hybrid and Synthetic, seem to have had a hand in adding it to animals and us
  5. 1% contains the human genome, while 99% not, so the idea that we exist out of the DNA as the map is wrong. We were whole in our creation with God’s beautiful blueprint.
  6. Over half the anchors on our gigantic anchors list anchor into the DNA with nefarious purposes.

Several years ago, I read in an article in the San Francisco Business Times that Sandford researchers were storing land records in DNA. They had said there was lots of room for storage, and more efficient than a floppy disc thumb drive or even cloud storage. Meaning DNA was not developed in us as a beautiful expansion of God’s physical presence and love for us, but DNA was developed as a tool. 

Bad things are passed down from family members in the DNA, and if you are unfortunate enough to be the recipient of the issue, your life will be shortened as you experience the disease an ancestor passed on through the DNA. 

DNA and the study and belief in it being our blueprint is a miasm, meaning it is a group mind virus based on a lie. I don’t know how dependent we have become on the DNA in our system, but I do know we need to start actively clearing that which does not support life and live free from the shackles of alien interfaces. 

The very first-of-its-kind DNA exploration program, which will undoubtedly be removing at least some of the DNA, is coming up next week, Wednesday, Dec 29, 11-4.

 We must move towards God’s alignment and carefully disintegrate the mechanisms that were put in us for purposes other than a long wonderful life of great contribution and joy.

 You may ask, why is this just now coming to the surface for us to see? We have done a full year of seeking God’s alignment, purity, and truth. There is a great deal of consciousness and mind control in the area of DNA. That we have cleared away enough to ask about the origins of DNA and be able to see it for what it is likely could only have happened at this juncture. As we clear away deception, we begin to embrace a fuller and richer experience of who God created us to be with frequencies of 3000-5000. 

Just like the advent and introduction of timelines, and chakras, DNA was a fancy way to engage and suppress us for who we really were. I realize this will be too radical an idea for most to embrace, but for the bold of heart, please join me in the DNA exploration and discovery program.