What a question right? How can becoming enlightened be a bad thing? And yet it is part of an eastern system followed for many thousands of years, part of the same system that chakras, puranic breath, and kundalini came from, so it does give us reason to pause. 

Enlightenment causes the energetic self to connect with the universal self. It does not include bringing the entirety of self to wholeness but moves us to an almost crippled physical state while energizing a very off-balanced entire being. 

Enlightenment does not bring us closer to God. It brings us into universal oneness, which is different. 

When a guru offers to give you downloads for enlightenment (my own response is run as fast as you can the other way) but understand downloads that promise a rapid movement towards enlightenment are fraught with problems. 

Guru cords. These can be carried from one life to another. The energy of the cord is parasitical; it can give or take, but understand it is taking from your life force, and when a guru creates a miracle it is not from God it is from stealing life force from hundreds of followers and directing and what they want to transform. For the most part, removing a guru cord requires help. A guru will not let go willingly of what they have had access to. This as well can put thoughts from the guru in your head. 

Guru – translation of light and darkness.  Does it remind you of anyone? To me, it sounds lucifer-like. Lucifer promotes gratification, his name means light and in general, his actions are evil and filled with darkness. I am not saying enlightenment is from lucifer. It is not from God. As I test the idea of enlightenment which enhances – virtually overloads spirit while crippling the relationship with the body was brought in with Lucifer, Reptilian, Snake. 

Enlightenment overrides the purpose of incarnation. You came into a body to be and be in action, move forward, doing things you cannot do without a body.  Enlightenment devalues the body while exploding the ecstatic feelings of energy. It does not get you closer to God. You do not master things you came to do in the incarnation. It does appear the enlightenment state is like a timeline moving you away from your true nature. It tests as an illusion. 

Rays – I wish you never to have these. There are 27 different ones, all extremely difficult to remove put on folks who are convinced they want to follow a guru and accept his or her transmissions. They 100% hurt you as an individual, a spirit of God, created in His image. 

My advice and wise Council, slow and steady, stay on the path of purity and truth. There is a trick we see over and over people saying they can give us or do for us what we cannot accomplish for ourselves. Please don’t believe them or give up on yourself. set yourself on a mission of purity and truth for this and all lifetimes to come. be unwavering in your resolve and see how things continue to shift in a positive direction for you in the weeks and months to come