I got a message from a wonderful God-serving individual from a South American country, devout Catholic,  struggling to make sense of the level of awareness and information we have in our community and programs and what the local priest says about God not speaking.

This gentleman, seeking to understand, is wondering why the priest would say anyone saying they are speaking to God; these words are from the Devil.

I want to cover two important issues for our community, one of God speaking and two of the purity of the current Catholic church.

First, Do I ever say I am interviewing God? Heavens no. We are in our interviews speaking to the Angels, Lord Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, and the Extraordinary Beings who choose to help humanity evolve.

All people have the potential of two ways of hearing or feeling God. One is through the Holy Spirit, which was sent to humanity very early in our evolution, appearing as early as the second chapter of Genesis. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. Jesus Christ had the blessing and benefit of walking every day with the Holy Spirit guiding His earthly walk.

The second way to hear God is through Jesus Christ, who is the Lord and reigns in heaven and earth.  Jesus is part of the triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is both holy and divine; we are meant to have a relationship with Him. He taught us to pray, praying to God as Father, meaning we were to know God and hear God, whether through feeling or the gift of discernment and auditory experience.  I test that about 3% of those in body have the gift of hearing God. Most in this age feel God, they become aware of the meanings and answers to prayers, they witness God’s miracles in their life.

I came in gifted in the realm of spiritual awareness. When tested even in my early 30’s, the Berkley Psychic institute made some keen observations about my gifts. If they had never seen anyone with all 16 ways to receive spiritual information, all turned fully on.  Divine Beings always surrounded me; Jesus or Mary was often seen standing right next to me (this began to have those looking at me ask me who are you????) And the director pulled me aside, telling me they had never seen this.

I was directed not to use these gifts for lower activities, for example, doing psychic readings, as this would not serve people and was a very lowered use of my extraordinary gifts.  However, as you all know, I am actively working with God, the angels, and the Holy ones to help restore humanity. I have enjoyed the conversations with Jesus, Mary, Gabriel, Jarell (Pleiadean) and anticipate many more engaging and inspiring conversations.

I am not a channel, nor do I intend to do this at any time. To be a channel is to relinquish the authority you have in body and turn it over to another. This I will not do. I also have been guided to understand this is not my path. I am to teach from my wisdom and what is needed to assist humanity.

Is God still speaking? YES! (and angels, Mary, Pleiadeans are not God. They are Divine Helpers, of which we have many!)

The Roman Catholic church was established in an era of patriarchal domination, suppression, and control. Notice the word Roman, come before Catholic. As the Roman Empire fell, the Roman Catholic church rose in power. If a church were founded not just on the teachings of Christ but on the notion of power and control, it would have wired into it ways to stay in power.

Confession is necessary. Confession to a priest is not. When we confess our wrongdoings to another, we say I have done wrong, and I seek to move back onto the path of righteousness. Jesus said whenever two or more of you are gathered in my name; there I will also be.  Running absolution through a priest was not taught by Jesus. I show this one item but understand there are 400 issues that deviated from the original intent of Christ and His glorious teaching and are still being taught in the Catholic church.

I am particularly alarmed that so many are following the pope, who has since the 70’s sat in the mouth of a snake in his audience hall. I have heard many disturbing accounts of the human trafficking happening in the complex tunnel system under the Vatican and the huge pedophile issue in the Roman Catholic church. I have tested the popes through from the beginning of the Roman Catholic church, and possibly 13 were doing God’s work. The energies and deeds of many were quite low, again showing a position of earthly power, not of purity and truth.  I do not know, cannot see the Roman Catholic church existing in ten years, not in its present form at least.

There are entitlements that go along with any participation in any religion; you may remember I considered in my mid 40’s or joining a Catholic convent and was guided not to.  Under the difficulties of the current administration of the church, I could not do what I do and work so closely with God.