Hope, Faith, Trust, and Knowing: where do you land in choosing your approach to an issue that is of great difficulty or challenge? I believe we start with hope, which is sibling to wishing. Hope is where something perhaps that was insurmountable in your mind now has a tiny crack and opening for a good outcome. If we were to look at the power we wield with hope in its purest form 11%. I would say hope is the first stepping stone to shifting reality, but if you stay in hope it isn’t so much juice to actually shift reality dramatically. 

Faith, in our culture the word is used 2 ways, faith in God, or Jesus Christ, and faith in an outcome working out well. Faith in an outcome implies an optimistic outlook on the issue and perhaps overall in life. Faith in energy is very close to intention. In power to shift reality, it comes in at about 24%. Higher than hope for sure, but still not accessing the power God gave us to use in our life to live successfully. 

Trust, I trust all will be well. If trust is as well linked up with trust in God’s good pleasure to ensure your outcome will be well this can add fuel to your power over a daunting issue. Trust alone that all will work out, is akin to resolve and registers at about 40% power adding to that trust in God’s blessing in your life at 65% power. 

Knowing, Knowing absolutely This is the way it will be, there is no other outcome because experiencing harm is not your path. An example of this happened a couple of weeks back, at the precipice of the BEAST removal when that technology blew up my wrist and rearranged the carpels in my wrist with extreme level 10 pain. It came on fast. I was able to almost shout my prayer. This is not me. I know your plans for me are good God and that this is not meant for me to live with.  Adelia was witness to what I said and did, all claiming I know that my wrist is well and God is aligned to this fact. The pain dropped rapidly. Funny just now I had to access it as a dim memory because my wrist is 100% fine with no swelling, bones have returned to proper position and I can remember it only as a memory of God’s goodness and the truth of my being. Knowing in my way the way I have shared with you gives 98% power.