I once again have had an awakening moment in my awareness of how things are set up and how they got to be the way they are. 

The discovery of spirit trauma and damage from Medical entitlements came from setting up Mondays activation for the phenomenal Forever program. We diligently cleared the invalidating, traumatizing and damaging controls that force people to believe that have not come with a miraculous system and are not capable of healing. 

Let’s ask what the purpose of Western Medicine is? Is the goal for healing, and restoring health? Is it in service of the light? Does the motivation have anything to do with making money? Are the treatments and cures for illnesses widely made available to all in need? 

I believe there are those in Medicine whose hearts are in the right place. We’ve had 9 Medical Doctors leave their practice over the years and study quantum activations here at the academy. Something you might not hear from them is how their hands become tied, that they can not recommend alternative healing when it seems to be the best course of action and must follow a strict guideline for how to treat an issue. Surgery or medication, both of which can be costly to the person seeking relief of what ails them, but not necessarily the best path for wellness. 

There are Medical professionals attempting to right wrongs in the current day’s pandemic. This group has put out corrected guidelines for reasonable quarantine, who would benefit and who would be harmed. 

Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

Great Barrington Declaration

President Trump made all the News Reports coming down with Covid and being cured in 4 days, now 10 days from onset his doctors say he is both immured and carries no contagious effects. In his mid 70’s part of the higher risk group cured in a few short days, I have to wonder how many people who died of the illness could have been cured with one of the treatments that was denied them?   I’m writing strictly from the western medicine approach right now, there are cures, why is anyone dying? And that is not using our Quantum Activations. 

Let’s go back and revisit the original questions I posed earlier

Purpose of Western Medicine is? Provide diagnosis and treatments for illness and injury. This is 99% true and not so bad right? Well the diagnosis would refer to what is known in about the body, but as we know there is much more involved in the well-being of a person, and 4 layers and 4 supporting fields to our human blueprint and the experience of being embodied. So how effective is the diagnosis and treatment in fully curing each issue?

Diagnosis 8% Treatment illness 3%  Injury 83%

Then to my point, what if you were told that this was your best answer? What trauma happens to the spirit in the body? What damage? 

Is the goal for healing, and restoring health? 0% true 

Is it in service of the light? 0% 

Does the motivation have anything to do with making money? 100%

Are the treatments and cures for illnesses widely made available to all in need? 2% true 

I think the thing we need to see from this is that there is  a system that is currently not working under its present form. Years ago I had read a book on female healers of the middle ages. They worked with the body to bring back wellness. Most of these women had to practice in secret, and were burned at the stake for their healing gifts, as a male dominated science took over the health concerns of the population. 

What I know is an individual who has had some service to the light, but has been both working light and darkness can choose to be In-service of the light, and shift up. In this time of awakening we must clear that which does not serve the light and bring a greater truth and love to every part of life. 

There are good folks in the field of medicine. My daughter Britta is an example, she has 6 degrees in nursing and also has certified in a number of very beneficial healing modalities. She cannot overtly let her patience in ICU know that she is helping them with healing energies as she would lose her job. I wonder how many dear ones find themselves in this position. 

The great awakening, means see, know, and become aware. It is not a time to blame, or fault finding, but to find the moving what is in place into the light.  Let us energize this shift and find yourself in a more truthful loving world!