This week I received another warning of the end time being imminent.

I am sharing this with you so that you can discern how Jesus might speak and what you see in this would not be from Him. The claim was a current prophet said Jesus gave her a message, here is a 3rd of the  incorrect message:

Just in by V.  P. (name of prophet omitted I do not want to bash anyone just to explain how you must not be misled). See her prophecy from Jesus Himself: “The Day of Reckoning has come 12-23-23 ”  Must Watch:

  1. The message is direct from Jesus. This test as not true. You can use muscle testing or awareness to get this, I like to use Jesus Christ the only son of God to clarify not another who has called himself Jesus.
  2. The words shocked me as well as I was convinced Trump was complicit and would be killed before the election. However ‘Jesus says Trump is his king’ and no one can change his decision as he decides which rulers will lead. God asked us not to choose a King, Jesus would never say Trump in my King. If anything He would Say God is King and Lord over all. Put not your faith in earthly kings. Here again, there is a statement no one can change, of course we know God is all-powerful so a clue about a false prophecy.
  3. However (no one can stop WWIII) since the world has not repented and turned from great sin. He says Putin will be allowed to turn on the heat, implying a nuclear holocaust. The sign of the beginning will be a great shaking of the earth, probably from the asteroid hitting near the gulf. Okay so immediately you can see this is wrong, God can do all things, stop a war, etc. The statement no one can stop World War 3 and the terror and shame following the statement is not from Jesus. The message tested at a very low frequency of 30  while Jesus in His day on earth might have been 1000 (I doubt that but HE may have adjusted down to live among humanity, but now at 40,000 frequency, why on earth would he deliver a fear-laden message? He came to love us, walk among us, understand us, and give us a path to salvation.  I share below some of His heart song, none of it is about prophecy or terrorizing or having no faith in God’s miraculous wisdom and power.
  4. The rapture will occur protecting the innocent from the destruction. War will ensue, all before next Sunday, the 31st. Expect the carnage to happen on Christmas Day as our enemies hate Christmas, but the exact day is only a guess. Okay, this is Sunday right, is any war taking place?

This went on about and on about predictions of punishment to humanity but you get the idea, we needn’t add more.

With that, I confirmed with Jesus to help make a shift.  He was happy for us to begin to remove all the impersonators who were claiming to be Him and prophesize terror and downfall.

The voice responsible for this was from the pretender group with the alien snake as the source.

Who were the impersonators of Jesus we found and who was behind each type?

  1. Replicant like 9  and behind their making the Reptilian were able to influence 700 listeners and 50,000 plus followers  of those who listened to the fake Jesus and relay the words of the fake Jesus
  2. Clones 19 kurs 11,000 listeners influencing 6 million
  3. Impersonators 11 Arcturian, Pleiadean 8 listeners 12 million
  4. Voice of God Impersonator 9 AI Serpent arachnid synthetic – billion?
  5. Pretenders 8 Hybrid snake 300 listeners influencing 30,000
  6. FBI CIA tank

The disruption and ability to influence humanity is directed to the area – God made Human – affecting our Energetic Foundation. This area was defiled by Lucifer. It somehow hooks people in with terror, fear, prophecy, and group mind virus.

Higher up in the article I mentioned would share Jesus’ Heart song. This is not all that makes up Him and His principles but it is a good start to understanding the True Jesus Christ Son of God.

70% of Jesus Heart Song