Your Divine Human Blueprint can restore you to great health. Some people ask me, is it a hundred percent? Do a hundred percent of people get this phenomenal results? And I have to say no. It’s not a hundred percent. It’s meant to be a hundred percent but there are some people who, maybe their energy is lower energy, like they’re angry or they’re bitter or they’re blaming or they’re resentful. There are lots of reasons where your body won’t get the one hundred percent healing. So we can really restore it, and we can give you all the lifestyle tips and all of that. But it will work if you’re in gratitude and celebration and we’re able to really get in, first to the brain, and then to the other areas of the body. And some people don’t get the same results. And typically, these are people who haven’t self actualized, who aren’t saying this is my problem and I’m going to get better. They’re people who are looking to have anybody else fix them. There’s something really amazing that happens with self responsibility. It’s like when a person really hold it that this is my project, then we can work together and you know, really bring the power of the divine human blueprint, which is our original blueprint. It’s what we were created. We were designed as human beings from the very beginning of human beings and bodies. This is the blueprint. It’s as ancient as humanity. And it’s powerful, and it can restore you.

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