This week we will close with some incredibly inspiring words from Archangel Michael. I find it interesting as I dig into what is true there are 27 other angels impersonating our King of the Heavenlies. It is important to know who you are interacting with, one of these I saw was a death angel, calling himself Archangel Michael, maybe even angels are tempted to use deception for power, and although their intentions may be largely well-meaning, still we want to focus on purity truth and that which is life-supporting. An angel who lies is forgivable, but not an angel to follow. 

These are the final thoughts from the real Archangel Michael. He has a good sense of humor, was joking around with me saying hmm yes I like King Mike (joke) and have all the angels laughing.  We end this week with parting thoughts from our Honored AA Michael. 

Look at this period of challenge as if you were climbing a mountain. It does feel sometimes like an enormous mountain, one you might wonder: am I ever going to get to the peak of this mountain? You are definitely on the uphill ascent. It does sometimes feel like this is all too much or where can I get my strength from to keep going? But on this mountain climb, it’s like the thing that I was saying about strengthening your resolve. I shared with you, I train mostly with my mind. I focus my power in a specific direction so that I might defeat evil. And as I focus and focus and train, I become stronger.

This mountain you are climbing is making you stronger and it is not time to get off the climb. It is time to keep climbing and to find that inner strength. Realize that you have more strength than you know. Even if you climbed for another thousand years, you would just keep getting stronger and stronger. And it would be as if no time had passed.  You’ll be understanding that the gifts from God are unlimited and they keep pouring in. If you have a need, that need will be filled. If your need is for strength to make it further on your journey, then pray for more than the strength you need for the journey. And you will get that. ( Don’t just pray for just enough ask for more so that you are well equipped)

You are powerful. You have a divine nature and connection. You don’t have a clue about who you truly are.  Open your heart and your mind to the truth. Let go of this notion of feebleness and weakness. You are not your body. Your body is an incredible vehicle. An incredible vessel. Use it beautifully, but know that you as spirit are not every weakness you may experience or fragility in your body. This body weakness does not define you. You are strong warriors of purity and truth. I’m honored to sit with each of you today. I’m honored to be part of this journey with you. And I hope that you will call on me.

I hope that you will ask me to join you in these incredible spiritual battles that are overcoming evil and overcoming the darkness. This journey is a great journey, a worthy journey, a divine glorious journey. Stay on your path, continue uphill and see your strength, your light, your power, your truth become stronger as you wipe away that which is not you and become more and more who God created you to be. Understanding in this creation, you were not created to be stagnant. You were created to blossom. You are created to grow and to become more than who you are created to be. You are meant to be more, expand beyond what you are created to be, and move to a higher and higher frequency.

This is what I have to say to you. Live your life well. Live an honorable and respected life. Respect others, respect yourself. Discipline yourself, and discipline your mind. Be who you were created to be, and then become more. I challenge each of you to be spiritual warriors, to grow and become, and to be the strong protectors of this human angelic community. You each are the light of the world. You each cancel out the darkness. When there is no fear when there is no feebleness. when there is no weakness in you, then you are as God created you. God bless you. Every one of you, God bless you. May your heart be filled with love, filled with strength, courage, and power. And may your mind continue to become more and more honed on the truth of who you are and the source of who you are, which is you are sourced by God.