I recently did the removal of the Kundalini in our retreat. Unfortunately, Kundalini has become very amalgamated and entangled in our systems and is not an easy group clearing. After some soul searching, wanting to offer this as a class but just not able to sort out how to make sense of that, I came up with a plan to do one-to-one sessions at reduced tuition.

First off let us address why you would want to remove kundalini.

Pleiadeans added it to our system. This is not from God. It, unfortunately, holds a record of traumatic births and deaths and is not supporting the system God created for us in this type of human body. What I mean by that is Pleiadeans were humanoid. Their body was not a replica of ours here on the earthly plane. Even if your spirit was originally Pleiadean, (we do have few in our community) you are in the human body of earth, not of Pleiades. Of course, most of us are just plain wonderful God-created humans with a trauma timeline type system that needs removal.

The nature of kundalini is suppressing, parasitical, demonic, and amalgamated


Creating a circumstance of suppressed spiritual awareness. Kundalini starts as single snake-like energy winding its way up the spine. Once active a double helix of energy kundalini suppresses the natural energies of the God-created spine. This energy eventually rises up out the head and around the body. it is lime or neon green in color. God did not intend for us to have this suppressing energy wrapping around the spine neck and through the head, nor was it intended to surround/engulf the body.


If as I read early on this was a gift from the Pleiadeans, how then does it become parasitical? Let’s look back just a bit more to God. God gave us free will. we wanted this tool from the Pleiadeans, and God said yes you can have it. As I see this God was encouraging us to be creators and to try something. But for the Pleiadeans who gifted this, they were not susceptible to aliens’ controls at the level we are. Arachnoids and Reptilian were able to plug into kundalini alter it and use it to siphon off energies and life force from us. I always saw kundalini had something to do with life force, now we can see it is how it was taken from us. So it shifted from when the gift was given to parasitical.


Demons are under the control of Lucifer. Kundalini is tied to Lucifer and his ill intent for humanity.  Terror and trauma that is one of his control signatures. Kundalini was not as the gift from the Pleiadeans holding traumatic birth and death memories as we experience in a war like PTSD but demons have shifted this so it seems to be almost its soul purpose at this point. The gift was meant to be fun, altered into something filled with extreme fear and trauma plugging into the low emotions system.


It wasn’t supposed to enmesh and amalgamate into us. Reptilians altered it to make it impossible for a human to remove it. Understanding the Reptilians see us as a group to feed off of like livestock, taking from the terror fear and anger emotions they turn that emotional energy into loosh and feed off of it. This provides that for them.

In our seeking to be as God created from the beginning of source creation, we can see it is useful to remove Kundalini. It creates freedom from suppression. It ultimately raises our frequency.

I have not written much about the 2nd topic, the corruption of the bloodline from the Nephilim and the RH negative marker left behind from the Nephelium to separate humans with that marker identifying them as Nephelium corrupted.  The Nephelium were a race of fallen angels who took human women, mated with them, and sought to end the beautiful purity of God’s creation. I am able to remove the RH negative factor in typically 4 hours, sometimes 2 hours.

I felt it was important to clarify more of the issues, and may in a future note write more as we seek to understand how we got so low frequency and blessing wisely with who we have as a human race has become and how we can move back to God blessings by removing what has been done to us over thousands of years.

When enough folks are shifted the set point will shift and eventually humanity will be freed from this. for now, we are at the very beginning.

It is my intention to help your group in wisdom and frequency.

May God richly bless you in your human journey to be all he created you to be.