Art, Music, and Dance

Creativity/Art/Music/Dance is the focus of the seventh segment of a life in balance. This is food for your Soul. You as a being need to create. We were created in the image of God, Creator we have the gift of creating if we maintain open creative channels.

In your physical body, you have creative channels running from your heart flowing through the shoulders, arms, hands and out the finger tips. These channels can stay tuned up and open by

creating. The creative chakras are two and five. The second chakra is about creating on a physical level and includes the miraculous process of pregnancy and birth. It is from this chakra that our physical projects are made manifest.

Music as an expression of creativityProjects from the second chakra include, but are not limited to;

  • Painting
  • Sculpture
  • Dance
  • Gardening
  • Creative cooking
  • Home decorating
  • Playing the Harp (or any instrument)
  • Sewing
  • Beading
  • Embroidery
  • Carpentry
  • Wood carving
  • Basket weaving
  • Jewelry making
  • Ceramics
  • Stage design
  • Pottery and clay works
  • Print making, lithographs
  • Hand book binding
  • Making handmade paper
  • Quilting
  • Crocheting
  • Drawing, doodles, sketching
  • Stain Glass

The fifth Chakra is the chakra of communication. Creative expression from this chakra can include:

  • Poetry
  • Creative writing
  • Story telling
  • Opera singing
  • Vocal presentation
  • Inspirational speaking and reading aloud

To turbo-charge your ability to manifest on the spiritual realm you need to incorporate your ‚”creator god in training” status. Creation is the way in which you express yourself beautifully.

Screen shot 2013-02-16 at 4.02.34 PMCreating is God’s gift of healing through our essence, leaving the mind out of the equation, we move out that which has settled in our body. Think about a time when you were in the zone of creativity. What did you create? What did you release? What did you become aware of?

In my spiritual life coaching practice I occasionally hear; “Oh, I used my creativity to design a new accounting system”. Although this may in some way be mental creativity, actually I am looking at the kind of creativity that will keep your channels open and your joy factor high.

By doing a little of this every week you will notice a sense of well being in your essence. This is because creativity gets you into a relax flow and a state where the mind is not badgering you to pay attention to all the things that constantly call you away from your essence. The happy endorphins are released into the body’s chemistry and you feel what you were meant to feel and enjoy – a happy calm body.

Please don’t stress, if you are not naturally a creative person we are looking only for about one hour a week of creative activity. It’s not going to be full time unless this is your career. If you are getting an hour or two a week on something creative, that counts, that’s good.

That might be enough to provide the satisfaction you need, others may require more. This is one thing my students are often thinking they can let go and still succeed. Creativity is the frosting on the cake of your life! The cake may be okay without the frosting but when you add just the right amount it becomes oh so very sweet and delicious.

If you are finding that your emotional life is a little out of whack, it may be because you are not getting enough creative expression and the creative channels are blocked.

Rate yourself here: 0% means no creative expression, and 100% means you are content and reaping the benefits of a healthy creative flow.

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