As I thought of this section, what I could tell you right now that would be meaningful, I felt like it was to remind you that God is still speaking to us, and if we listen our life is so much better.

I used to have inner awareness, but actually I wouldn’t always act on it. It may have been inconvenient or something I really didn’t want to do, or actually something I felt was a bit foolish, but perhaps the biggest reason not to listen and respond was apathy. The message would come and go, and the problem would then surface, and I was left to sort it out.

That isn’t however who I am today. I was in my kitchen the morning Adelia and I evacuated and I heard a loud shout in my inner awareness to get out now!  I heard that. My feelings were exhausted, we had not been sleeping well from the smoke, and what I felt like doing was laying down. But I got over that feeling quickly and packed 2 bags and we fled to the airport and to clean air away from the fires.

It was inconvenient, hard actually, but Adelia and I rode down smoke-filled abandoned roads swiftly to our airport destination and after a couple hours wait boarded the airplane.  2 days later all our neighbors experienced a forced evacuation. That is intense, a sheriff went to every door and waited till all occupants were out of their homes. So glad that is not how we left.

Upon arriving I heard you will need to stay at least 5 weeks to get an apartment where Adelia can settle into a routine and you can live and work temporarily. Both these were inner instructions that I followed. We looked at two apartments, and had a 3rd space  lined up but apartment 2 worked well and we moved in on day 6, that is a fast turn around, and for Adelia, this week I am seeing signs of her beginning to settle in having a routine she understands and enjoys.

God can also speak through others. I felt I really needed self-care and to attend a church worship. All of this came together with no effort. A few hours after I prayed asking god to help us sort out the complex system of attending lock down church, my cousin text inviting us to outdoor worship  the next day in a park next to a playground so Adelia could play. When I thanked her and mentioned I had prayed for this she said I have never offered or invited anyone else to church, that is just not me, but I felt an inner urge to invite you. God can also speak to you through others and he has many times for Adelia and I who are safely away from the dangerously toxic air now plaquing our home.

God is still speaking, are you listening?