Six Senses – 4 from God

The first of the senses we look at is awareness. In our advanced group, we could see we have access to 60% of what is possible, and the average person has about 15%. We can define awareness in this way:

  • Inner knowing ability serves to inform.
  • Observing situations and circumstances.
  • Provides awareness of purity.
  • Helps me interpret my life.
  • Informs my pure response.

Auditory Clarification Knowledge
The next sense we look at is auditory clarification knowledge. In our advanced group, we could see we have access to 50% of what is possible, and the average person has about 4%. You could think of this sense as hearing. We can define auditory clarification knowledge in this way:

  • Auditory clarification knowledge is God-created.
  • It is coming from outside myself.
  • Reacts to sound patterns.
  • Provides knowledge, clarification, and interpretation.

Flow Sensation
The next sense we look at is flow sensation. In our advanced group, we could see we have access to 60% of what is possible, and the average person has about 15%. You could think of this sense as touch/feel. We can define flow sensation in this way:

  • Giving and receiving awareness of energetic flow.
  • Touch/feel – more on this definition coming.

Observing Forming Imagery
The next sense we look at is observing imagery. In our advanced group, we could see we have access to 8% of what is possible, and the average person has about 1%. You could think of this sense as vision. We can define observing forming imagery in this way:

  • Definition is coming soon – vision, inner vision, sight.

Following these 4 original senses are 2 specific to the experience of living in a body.

Smell and taste are created by one of God’s creators from God’s 13th angel-like creation group. These 2 senses are for accumulating further information while in a physical body and do not exist when we are without a body.

The next sense we look at is smell. In our advanced group, we could see we have access to 70% of what is possible, and the average person has about 9%. You could think of this sense as smell. We are currently defining this as smell.

The next sense we look at is taste. In our advanced group, we could see we have access to 40% of what is possible, and the average person has about 30%. You could think of this sense as taste. We are currently defining this as taste.

By joining our Quantum Mastery program, you are privy to all the activations and clearings in the discovery of who God made us to be and how to fully activate this very, very blessed state of existence! Learn more and join us!